Strange laws!!

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3 years ago

Do not let the chicken cross the road in Georgia!

 Sure, you were surprised to read this sentence, but this is one of the laws of Georgia . People in many countries are dealing with strange laws. Let's check this strange laws, shall we?

Of course, many of these rules are outdated and rarely enforced. Here are 13 weird rules around the world.

1. Possession of salmon in the UK under suspicious circumstances

The famous Salmon Act of 1986, passed by the British Parliament, declares that it is illegal to catch salmon under suspicious circumstances. It sounds weird, but it's perfectly true. It is not even clear what exactly the suspicious circumstances mean.

2. Chewing gum in Singapore

If you are traveling to Singapore, I suggest using mint pills to keep your mouth fresh and leaving the gum in your home. Chewing gum is also on the long list of people not allowed to enter Singapore. This law, which is also one of the strangest laws in the world, is designed to keep public places clean. Of course, gums for dental hygiene and gums containing nicotine are exempt from this rule.

3. selection of weird names for children in Denmark

Danish citizens must follow the country's official guidelines for choosing their children's names. The guidelines state that 7,000 names have been approved, and if a Danish wants to choose another name for his child, he must obtain government approval.

4. Reckless cycling in Mexico

Cyclists in Mexico should not take their feet off the pedals, as they may lose control of the bike. This law was passed in 1892 to protect the safety of cyclists. Of course, there is nothing wrong with hand-cycling in this country!

5. Naked mountaineering in Switzerland

A Swiss law requires citizens and tourists not to climb mountains naked. In 2009, a naked German man passed by a family wandering in the Alps. This led to the passage of this law in Switzerland.

6. Feeding the birds in Venice

People who feed pigeons in St. Mark's Square in Venice have to pay a $ 700 fine. This law is designed to protect the health of birds and prevent damage to historical monuments.

7. Whistle in Canada

There is a law in the city of Petrolia that prevents loud noises from being heard in the city. Things like shouting, whistling and singing are forbidden in this city.

8. Chickens crossing the street in Georgia

Undoubtedly, one of the strangest laws in the world belongs to Georgia. Citizens of Quitman in Georgia must be careful not to let their chickens cross the streets. The law actually requires individuals to take care of their chickens and hens under any circumstances.

9. Wearing high heels in Greece

If you want to walk in the historic cities when traveling to Greece, I suggest you leave your high heels at home. Walking with these shoes in some ancient environments may damage these works.

10. Choosing the name Napoleon for pigs in France

The law does not explicitly mention Napoleon. In fact, choosing the names of heads of state for pigs is considered an insult to them and is illegal. This law has not been recognized as a criminal charge since 2013; However, it is still recommended that French citizens refrain from choosing these letters for pigs.

11. Gasoline runs out on German highways

Another of the strangest laws in the world concerns Germany. High-speed driving with German cars on the country's highways is very enjoyable; But do not forget that in addition to the odometer, you must also watch out for the gas indicator. It is illegal to run out of gas on the country's highways; Every respected German citizen should anticipate and plan everything for them.

12. Urination in the Portuguese oceans

Urination in the ocean is one of the strangest laws of Portugal. Of course, it is not possible to say with certainty whether anyone has been arrested for this reason. However, tourists should at least consider this morally.

13. Using a spray gun on New Year's Eve in Cambodia

In 2001, a law was passed in Phenomenon, Cambodia, banning the sale and import of spray guns into the city. Authorities passed the law to prevent social unrest during New Year's Eve celebrations


Hope you like this list🤗

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