Scary hotels! Top5

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

 there are many scary accommodations around the world where sleeping in those places needs lion's heart!!

In this article, I introduce some of them.

5-Horror Hotel in Las Vegas:

A hotel called Hotel Panic with an area of ​​1393 square meters was built in Las Vegas and it cost 10 million dollars to build it. However, the architects and builders of this hotel said that spending this money to build this building is worth it. The atmosphere of this hotel is designed in such a way that it conveys fear and panic to the people who are present there. The hotel's bathroom mirrors are bloody and fragments of artificial human skin can be clearly seen in the corners of the laundry room. Despite all this horror, it is noteworthy that some people who are afraid of horror also hold their wedding celebrations in this scary hotel!

4-McCamey Manor hotel:

McKamey Manor is the name of this hotel located in San Diego. When you visit this hotel, you will experience a completely interactive environment, which has a great effect on making it scary. In this hotel, you have to go through 4 different and scary locations, in each of them horrible things happen to you. You may fall into a cage at any moment, get locked in a chair and get stained with blood! Only two people can enter the hotel each time they visit, and visitors can see through the webcams what happens to them during their stay at the hotel.

The hotel's founders, including 55-year-old Ross McCammy, have created different cinematic scenes so that none of the visits are the same; So scary events and locations do not become repetitive and normal for anyone. The theme of this hotel changes every year and visitors are exposed to horrible experiences such as being in a cage full of snakes, eating rotten eggs and even being stolen.

3-Stanley Hotel

The Stanley Hotel is located in the Estes Park area of ​​Colorado, USA. This luxurious 400-bed hotel was established in 1909 and has managed to attract many tourists. But what makes this beautiful hotel to be in a list of scary accommodations? It is a supernatural activity that reached its peak in the 70's and terrified the travelers of this hotel.

According to them, wandering ghosts can be seen in the corners of this hotel and they are also particularly interested in the billiards room and the piano! These reports led many ghost hunting teams to the residence, and the claims of the hotel guests were confirmed by them.

Stanley hotel features a variety of rooms with high paranormal activity including the famous Stephen King Suite 217, the Ghost Hunters' favorite room 401, as well as 407, and 428. These are among our most-requested rooms, availability is limited.

2-FORT GARRY Hotel in Winnipeg, Canada

Many guests reported the presence of a white-clad woman in their rooms, and others claimed that they constantly felt someone by their side in the hotel. The hotel's guards have repeatedly noticed signs of supernatural activity, and have repeatedly pointed out that candles with various symbols are lit. If all these claims are true, then there is no doubt that activities in this hotel are carried out by inhumane people.

1-Dalhousie Castle Hotel & Spa, Scotland

Guests and travelers to the Dalhousie Castle Hotel say they have seen a ghost on the steps and main hall of the hotel. Some even claim that they feel a strange cold in the rooms of this hotel. I also remind you that this hotel has a dungeon.


Visit scary forests and scary churches too and have a nice scary day🤗🤗

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4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)


I subscribe you , subscribe me

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4 years ago

Really your post is very important

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4 years ago

I shall change the community name to earth is scary :)))

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4 years ago

😂😂, scary things are beautiful bro

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4 years ago