People who mock death!!!

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3 years ago

In the following article, l want to introduce you to people mocked the death and survived from extraordinary situations.

We all know that in action movies, the main character does incredible things, survives deadly situations , and seems immortal in general. But there is also a real version of these people. Some have miraculously defeated death. In this article, you will get acquainted with some of them. 

8. Ben Nyaumbe

Man is the strongest creature on earth, but nature sometimes reminds us not to be too proud of ourselves, and this is what happened to Mr. Ben Nyaumbe. He was caught by a python, which took the poor man four meters into a tree trunk and wrapped his body around him, trying to swallow him. Ben fought the snake for three hours and, pulling his T-shirt over his head, would not let the snake swallow his head, and the farmer, with his last breath bit the snake's tail, released from the snake and then fled.

7. Todd Orr

By knowing this man's story, you will realize that you should not approach wild animals at all. A local in Montana, USA, was climbing when he came across a bear and his cubs. The mother bear then attacked him, injuring him. But Todd escaped and, with a bunch of wounds and injuries, ran five kilometers and got into his car. Unfortunately, the previous bear came back in time and attacked him again, and this attack was much worse than the previous one. The bear broke several of his bones and inflicted deep wounds on him, but fortunately none of his main arteries were torn, and Todd miraculously survived.

6. Hiroo Onodo

World War II was a catastrophe that endangered the lives of 60 million people and many soldiers fought in that war. One of these soldiers was Hiroo Onoda, who was serving in Japan. He who was in the Philippines, was ordered to resist in a forest until the end of the war, and it is interesting that he was not informed that the war was over and that he was in the forests for thirty years after the war, killing locals and their livestock or food. He stole and did not surrender until he received an official order from Japan, and after taking the order, he ended his war.

5. Slavomir Rawicz

In 1940, Slavomir Rawicz was imprisoned in the Soviet Union. They were in a remote prison in Siberia that made it possible to escape, but it was impossible to survive. But finally this gentleman escaped from prison in 1941 with a group of prisoners. 

It is hard to believe, but over the course of a year, he crossed the forests of Siberia and even the Himalayas, and after traveling 6473 km and killing three members of his group, he finally made it to India. Hollywood, seeing this story as very interesting, turned it into a movie called The Way Back.

4. Anna Bagenholm

If the ice breaks below zero degrees Celsius and you fall into a frozen lake, your life is in danger, and if someone gets stuck under the ice, they will probably be dead. Ms. Anna Bagenholm was skating with her friends when she fell into a frozen lake and got stuck between ice and rocks. But he was miraculously awake and alive for forty minutes. Because at one point between the ice and the rocks he found stuck air. But the cold water finally overcame her, and it took another forty minutes for the rescue team to pull her out. When he was taken out, he had no pulse and his whole body was frozen. But with the help of doctors, she came back to life and miraculously survived.

3. Harrison Okene

Mr. Harrison Okene was the chef of a yacht, and he couldn't survived from what happened to him, but he did. One early morning in the Gulf of Nigeria, a yacht sinks in a stormy sea. Unfortunately, 11 people drown, but he finds a roof over his head and puts several mattresses on top of each other to stand on the water and make an air tank for himself, and it is interesting that he endured there for three days and then the rescue team found him.

2. Vesna Vulovic

Have you ever heard of someone surviving a terrorist attack or a plane crash?  we rarely heard of any of them surviving, But this lady has done it. In 1972, she was a flight attendant on JAT 367. A bomb exploded at an altitude of 33,000 feet and shattered the plane. The woman miraculously survived the bomb and the plane crash and completely recovered from her injuries. Interestingly, you can also find her name in the Guinness Book of World Records.

1. Poon Lim

In November 1942, Mr. Poon Lim boarded a cargo ship from South Africa to Suriname in North Africa. But during the voyage the ship was hit by an underwater missile and sank. Mr. Lee managed to get out from under the water and reach for the pieces of wood that he saved. But that was just the beginning of his story. He survived many storms. It ate fish and seagulls and survived on water for 133 days. He even killed a shark that wanted to ruin his boat and was eventually rescued by Brazilian fishermen.


Hope you like this list🖤🖤

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Written by
3 years ago


Waow! ... I couldn't say a thing. I can't imagine how they survive even in the most critical situations. And the other for how many days! They truly mocked death!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, totally amazing, Thanks for reading.

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3 years ago