Coronavirus had been predicted in 2004!!!

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Written by
3 years ago


I was searching in different prophecy books to find out predictions about this pandemic and when it will be gone, and unfortunately I found the book "prophecy: what the future holds for you" by sylvia browne, this book had been published in June 2004 by Berkley publishing group in the USA.

The book itself has 3 main part and 265 pages, the first half of book is exploring prophecies throughout the history, various prophecies by famous prophets like Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce,

But the second half of the book is Ms.browne's prophecies about near and far time. Although there are some prophecies about 2008-16 that didn't come true, Interestingly, we can find a strange prediction in the third part "Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health" which makes me really really amazed, this is on page 214:

"By 2020 we’ll see more people than ever wearing surgical masks and rubber gloves in public, inspired by an outbreak of a severe pneumonia-like illness that attacks both the lungs and the bronchial tubes and is ruthlessly resistant to treatment. This illness will be particularly baffling in that, after causing a winter of absolute panic, it will seem to vanish completely until ten years later, making both its source and it's cure that much more mysterious."

I don't know what to say and I'm still amazed by this phenomenon , but again unfortunately, based on this book we will have hard winter and we will be struggling with this virus for 9more years!!😩😩

I hope visa versa of her prediction about the start of prophecy, it end nearer than 2030...


If you can't trust me, go and download the pdf for yourself and check the page 214 at first...

"Prophecy: what's the future holds for you"

Good luck with this 10 yeeeeaaaaar...

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Written by
3 years ago


"It will seem to vanish until 10 years later" I took that context as being we will have bad winter and then the virus will be gone only to return 10 years later.

I also take "seem to" as we will have a medication to keep it under control for 10 years.

She was also a year off, as covid-19 started in 2019 as far as the public knows. We also know of a lab In China that supposedly was working on the virus before it got lose and spread worse than wild fire.

Also the claims that Bill Gates funded the lab that created the virus and is now working with nano technology in order to develop a cure.

I do have to say that her predicting the year we would be wearing surgical mask and gloves is pretty impressive. However diseases are constantly evolving and morphing into worse diseases that are already immuned to our medicines.

Plus you add the factor of biological warfare and all I can say is God help us all. I would be surprised if we haven't completely destroyed our selves within the next 20 years.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow new info for me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative article dear.i was unknown about it.Thanks a lot.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

its unbelievable maaaaaan tnx for sharing this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago