"Random questions"

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago

I wasn't sure about my writings here. I can't promise that I can publish a content. I have alot of inactivity this past few days. I think I am busy this week. Life would be difficult especially when you try to chase you dreams. It's hard but we need to be strong enough for us to get what we want. Let me just share with this common questions that I love to answer.

What is you dream course?

For me, if there will be available course about making animes just like Japan, I would rather choose that course. It think it's too expensive and I couldn't pay for that. I will find a way to have scholarship so I could finish my study. For me being an animator is just so amazing. I really want to have my own storyline or comics that's my basis.

I don't have a crafted hand but I really want to strive just to hone my skill in drawing. I've heard that Japan has now offering course about making manga and anime. It's not just about drawing but it talks about those sophisticated technology in making a mobilize characters. It needs patience and dedication to have a good outcome of drawing.

What is your favorite time to take a nap?

For me, it doesn't matter what hour or time I would take my rest. I get easily sleep. Infact, I'm the fastest person in the family that can sleep immediately. Sometimes, I prefer to take a nap in the afternoon. I don't know but afternoon is one of my weakness, especially when I have a work, it makes me fall asleep. It's common to us. During after we can't even contend our eyes, just to remain awake cause we have something to do.

What makes you angry?

I don't like to have this but there's always outside forces that will trigger our disposition but, I try to remain mellow cause, if I have to let my emotions dominate it will just give me stress. I don't really want to get angry cause it can damage our beauty cells, ohh no! That's not good to us who are taking care of our outside beauty.

I think emotions really a powerful drive. It allows us to do a certain things in a particular situation. I think we should maintain our health mind. Avoid those unnecessary things to happen. Don't be bother about people just focus on yourself.

What it your greatest achievement?

For me, my greatest achievement in life is, I finished my study through hardworks and perseverance. I'm proud of it. My parents are one of inspiration. They are the reason why I finished my study. Although my course taken wasn't my intention but I'm still thankful cause I still achieved and made it.

I'm so grateful with God cause he give me this kind of parents who is very responsible and caring. Infact, not a single days or weeks that they have shortcomings on me. They really give what I need. Infact, some of their savings has been used because of me. I really need to health them whenever I have a stable job or work.

What favorite spot to visit?

I prefer to roam first my own home country cause compare to other countries Philippines has the most beautiful spot. I really love to visit in El Nido palawan. It's so nice and a stunning view. There are white beaches and it is perfect for a vacation.

In some other country, my first list is to visit England. I want to see personally those oldest Manu script that has been preserve for thousands of years. I think it's there national museum. You can see clearly those preserve ancient artifacts and documents that serve as evidence of way of life before. I want to first visit there. Especially, the most influential books of all time the Bible, which they say that there are number of parts of the books has been kept. Those are the basis in the writing of the bible or scriptures.

$ 0.43
$ 0.43 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


I want also to go there, especially sa Palawan Ang Ganda kasi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you can try that place it's very nice infact many celebrities are planning go their and alot of successful individual are there.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice din ang Palawan pero Maldives tlga ang gusto kung mapuntahan...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, Maldives is one of a kind. I think that place is incredible,me too I really want to visit there

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you are so fantastic my dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks cryptoman. I appreciate that

$ 0.00
2 years ago