Once a multitasker

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2 years ago

It's my second content for this month of June. Still, I have the hardtime creating ideas. I think profoundly, I try to recall some of my experiences before. But I can't just remember them all. What's the best content for today guys? Maybe I should start again with a questions so I can generate ideas from it. My apologize if this content frequently notify on your bell. I'm running out of ideas.

Any way this is life sometimes we have shortcomings and sometimes we are abundant. If I had some significant experience I will immediately share it with you. Even a blessings like earning platforms and applications. I'm still trying to search what other things that can be explore or other stuff that allow us to earn money while at home simultaneously we could have multitasking.

Since we are talking about multitasking, do you had doing this at home or on your job? Typically, those people who involve multitasking are just so impressive. They have alot of experience when it comes to a certain field. A teacher is a multitasker. I've seen the real situation like they handle a different level of class like grade 4 and 5. What's more interesting is that the teacher handle also special class for special children.

Imagine that seldom we can see a teacher handling multigrade class and special class with special children. The other one is that a parent who have so many hands. I mean with many hands is that they have a lot of roles. Mothers as chief, housewife, teacher, molder, and sometimes the source of income. This is how our society goes that a mother has a lot to do. Before a housewife is just in the house, making house chores but unlike right now women are so competitive. They have alot in the field which they could excel.

Being a multitasker is not easy at all. You need to execute the right and proper things to do. I have been a multitasker and I admit it's not easy but as time goes by it makes my self realized that if we engage such things we could have alot of learnings. You know how hard life is that's why we tend to be a multitasker. We engage such situation cause we want to double our income and we want to have alot of achievements in a day.

In work we could tell that we have only one responsibility. Example being a teacher, it doesn't mean holding such pride of being a teacher is you're solely dedicated with only one aspect. You're not just going to teach the students. Rather you have the broadest responsibilities. You became the second parents is the students. You became the molder. You became the implementor.

That's how our profession works. In other field being a manager or CEO in the company, youre not just to sit and relax at the corner of your office. You need also to think of many ways on how you can maintain or improve the company's progress. You need to think some inventions and ideas that can help uplift the company.

They need to think and try to simulate any means so they can have made their company progressive. Majority of the profession we have has different level of responsibilities. We need to do multitasking cause we want to improve our way of living or can give contribution to what we are working.

Parents, I know how hard life do you have. It's difficult especially when you have left and right and they simultaneously need care. Parents became buffled cause they have been blank on their mind. I appreciate those parents who try to cope those heavy obligations. I'm proud of you and what you does is just a heroic attempt.

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago


We have different task in task but we have to accept that those are part of our daily life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Almost everyone of us are in this category of multitasking. We could be doing s task physically and there's a task in the virtual world that needs our attention too, we just have to spread our hear and brain.

Parents are really trying with this aft of multitasking, the works are just too numerous

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, thus multitasking is just so exhausting but in return you'll have a great results because of sacrifices that you have

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can multitask if the taks where all about physical.things. However,if I have to involve my brain into it, then I can't multi task it hihi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Both can be manage as long as we have courage to engage. Yes, I agree sometimes when it comes to brain we could find it very hard.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's true my friend. When you are working in a company, you didn't sit and work only but you need to think and share an ideas too how to uplift the company.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, friend meaning we have to work hard just to have a good performance by in exchange of that we could receive compliments

$ 0.00
2 years ago