Nature can ease yourself

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We do love nature, sometimes it makes me feel calm when I saw those green leaves all over the place. The surroundings that makes me feel comfortable allows me to ease from anxiety. What makes you feel calm and good when anxiety hits on you?

Source: unsplash

Many people tend to be alone especially when they have problems in life. They don't want anybody to disturb them while they are alone. There are also people who need companion that comfort them. We have different way just to ease our feelings. I can still remember before when I was so stress with my subject in college, it was math subject. I feel that I'll be failed the subject. What I did was I bought alot of food and went inside my room.

I eat all of those and you in know what it makes me feel also better but it's temporary hehe. My problems will automatically hits me especially when I remember the subject. It was Friday after and I don't have class in the afternoon, so I decided to go home. I told myself to keep calm but my mind always think negatively.

When I arrived at home I saw a tree house not just to high but it was built around 10 feet. You can saw all of the beautiful scenery especially the beautiful garden that my mother's did. I went there and bring food again try to relax for a couple of minutes. I found it effective since I became calm when I reach the treehouse. The surroundings are silently but there are slight sounds that you can hear cause it was near the national road. It's okay since there are many green leaves that you can see. And it was found out that green leaves or any objects make you calm.

When I became calm I told myself to study there. So, I study there for two hours. Although I didn't cope all the concept that I studied at least I have learnings for that two hours immense in studying my weakness subject. I went home and my mom where did I came from I told her that in the treehouse. My mother that time was preparing for our launch and another eating moments hehe. Food is life.

So, that the end of this story. In life we have problems. We just learn to cope with it, try to find solutions instead of worrying them. We can't fix our problem if we just dependent others. Learn also where are your comfortable place or shall I say comfort zone. It will allow you to think things that can eliminate your stress.

We have different way in making ourself ease. Some people don't like to be alone cause it will make the situation worst. In my case I tend to be alone cause I can think many simulations on how can I deal with my problems effectively. It's okay that our problem cannot be solve at a time cause it needs a process especially when it comes with emotion damage. Damn! It really needs so much sacrifices just to fully eliminate it.

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Presently, my man and I are not in good terms. He's having some problems and he's lonely. I'm trying to talk to him but all my efforts were futile. It's painful😢😢

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ohh... Hope he'll be okay. It is just temporary. His mood will be back and he'll talk to you soon

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We don't have a treehouse but a farm only lol. I loved to stay there for few hours. The place was so peaceful and only the breeze of the forest you can hear. Nice place to relax.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, it's so relaxing and it can make your stress gone

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I missed having a time in tree house friend. We had a tree house in our province and I missed it a lot already. Our uncle was the one who built it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, my friend it was really great experience when we have our own treehouse

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes friend. It will give you a peace of mind or relaxation friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We are humans and are prone to problems from time to time, but we have our different ways of fighting those challenges. Some people easily get them off by mere thoughts while needs a continuous pondering or people around him to be good.

While some depends on nature for relief

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Absolutely, we are prone to any kind of problems. We just need to be steadfast of all problems we encounter

$ 0.00
1 year ago