Just do it

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A lot of you here are hesitant about life. Why just can't be refute being doubtful about self? The only answer for this is you don't have the courage to face your problems.

Edited with Canva

Let me introduce to you about this article, it pertains to our individual self. You might wonder why did I choose to write this one. It's because I want to help others surpass their hesitation. I know there are people who are dependent to others especially when talking about decision making.

To tell you, I'm also dependent with other people before. I just can do it with myself cause when ever I decide it results like I'm failure. It's my reason why I can't stand on my ground. I couldn't lift my feet to start a for journey. When ever I have problems I always tend to seek for advice. Well, there's nothing wrong with you just want a piece of idea.

That's how you need cause you might know everything you need is came from other people. We should also remember that being dependent to others is nothing wrong what makes you wrong is that when you tend to put your responsibilities in their shoulder. No! It shouldn't be done by others. It's you who can figure out what's going on.

We need to focus on our own goal. Life is individual so when we are at the right age we should think responsibly. Like we think that we have to work for our own future. I just can't deny that we are getting other and that phase of life might realize us that we are nearer to our infinite nap. I'm talking about death.

Too much for that cause we are still young. We tend to focus on current rather than future when it comes to other business. We are sent to school cause our parents and our inner thoughts wants to learn something great and significant. We deserve for it. Having such a lovely company in school can contributes our mental and physical aspects.

If you tend to think failures then you can't step forward for what youre planning for. Don't allow negative thoughts dominates you. Just do it! You can do it by your endeavor. Believe to yourself especially when you're facing trials in life you might losing friends when you are being bombarded with some instances. And that's the thing you can determine which stays and genuinely loves you.

Life won't be challenging if we are living in a perfect world. There should be protagonist and antagonist. Well, as we personally engage with trials we tend to figure out what could be the best thing to do of being protagonist in changing ones life.

Hesitation always the barrier in plans and actions. If you allow it to prevails of course you'll not engage with the chances. As a person we should not waste time for tomorrow is another chances to come. We might know that our fortune is already given and you yourself doesn't pay any attention. That's hard to think if we do.

Let me just move swiftly on other phase, Why did I use the headline Just do it. It's because it has a lot to do. When you say just do it. It might give my readers a perspective in dealing there own life. Its a motivation, allows every individual to participate in decision making. I can still remember when one of our teacher want us to learn about guitar.

We learned music instruments

In some reason the music instruments doesn't loves us. We have the hardtime for making practice cause our time is limited. He just left a list of cords to study. He also give the link for so many tutorials. This is really great, I want this. As he observe the students are gradually learning. Despite he left us and allow to learn by just our own, we still learned. I don't know but when he didn't made intervention we can choose how to play music instruments, like guitar and piano.

The teacher explain to us if he is getting intervention there might be a possibility that we can't immediately learned since it's a skill for individual. Manipulating skills is the thing that you should just give advice rather not to teach them how to play. Maybe you can teach the basics but when it comes to demonstration I think it must be done through your guide.

As we go further with this idea we tend to learn by our own preference. Still, we have accomodations to some aspects but it can't be done if someone teach you how to do it. It should be fine if you teach the basics no to teach how to do it cause we have different preference on how to deal things.

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Most people think too much and that's why they get scared of taking the necessary steps. Just do it... Just do it afraid and watch how good things would unfold. There would be challenges but just keep doing it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely true, we can't unfold opportunity if we constantly being afraid of try things. Just do it!

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being dependent to others is not bad it's the way that you do the right thing the you have other options if you don't agree. Still we are the one can decide.

I loved music, that's why I worked hard to learn how to strum the guitar but it's not easy you know.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Did you know sis I learned a lot here in your shared article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate your response mam Jen. Thanks alot for this lovely 😍 comment. I tend to share thoughtful content, maybe I can help other people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not going to comment on your content but believe me your thoughts are very channelised.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It may spread from one person to another. A huge grateful heart for that response 🥰. I deeply I appreciate that Trofi.

$ 0.00
2 years ago