I think we should be thankful

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Hello guys! I can't still think what to write but let try what I can give. For now all I want is to write content. I'll share with you thoughts about my life before.

Source: unplash

When I was still a kid I always prefer to have a companion. It's boring being alone. I really want to have a friend. Fortunately, I found some real friends. My childhood seems to be significant. I experience both devoid and sumptuous in life. I can relate how does our society goes. All I can say is that I'm in a middle class of hierarchical status.

I know our family have the shortcomings in life. Sometimes we don't have to eat and sometimes we have abundant of blessings. Life before is like a tire. We couldn't tell what's our food for tomorrow. As a child I don't have any apprehensions of that cause that is the obligation of our parents. We are all experience being naive. We are dependent to our parents.

I'm so lucky enough that I have responsible parents. Albeit we have no food sometimes, my father is always find a way for us to survive. We never experienced great starving of our stomach. But we have the hardtime to find something to eat. My mother realize our situation so she decided to look for a job. She work as a service crew in a small restaurant. We are glad that she has a job. My father seems to happy too.

My parents are helping to each other for us to survive. We are are four in the family including my parents. When it comes to food we don't have the hard time cause both of my parents have a job. They tend to fulfilled there shortcomings. As we grow we have so many realizations.

My parents decided to finished our studies. They sent us in university. I am thankful to them cause they made our life more convenient. They give us what's necessary. Our great way of living is so significant. What made me realize is that our way of living before was changed. It's because the dedication of our parents. We are so fortunate cause they feel us that we are special them.

That is why behind all my movements it's always dedicated to our parents whom we have infinite debt. There sacrifices is tremendous like we couldn't pay it for our own wages. It's the thing that we need to realize. I know there are parents out there who are responsible but there are those which is reckless. They even sold there own offsprings. They don't want a obligations.

Why some other parents are so unjust? They make abortion. How can they do that to their own child. It's the thing that I'm grateful to our parents cause despite of poverty they seems not to do horrible things. They accept to bear consequences. And that is why I'm proud to my parents. Are you proud to your parents? Do they make actions to uplift your situation? Do they discipline you? Let me know in the comment sections.

Final thoughts

I'm speechless to my parents cause they are good. I think when time comes they need help. I will not hesitate to help them. As a son I will sure to give them what they give to me. I think I should give excessive things to them. Not by tangible wealth but love. I will love them forever. Did you love your parents? In my inner thoughts I love them more than myself. It is God who teaches us to respect and love our parents. So we must obey that cause it is good.

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Parents tlga ang pinaka gift ever natin sa buhay. Kung wla sila eh wla din tayo sa mundong ginagalawan natin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely! Sis so there's no reason for us to complain if sometimes they have shortcomings. Thank you so much sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mom and dad are the best gift ever from creator. I love and respect my mom and dad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, you have done the right thing. The love we feel from our parents is immeasurable.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Parents are the big gifts for us my friend. They did their best and efforts to give us a good life. Having foods everyday. Send us to schools. Supporting us. Love us. It's really unmeasurable. ❤️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true friend; we need to be grateful to them cause they give us the right thing. Sacrifices they made is just incredible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we are forever grateful to our parents my friend. They are always there for us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago