I think it will rain; tragic moments, childhood days

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It's another day of our life. Life is difficult right now but we need to go with the flow. Even though we have our individual problems, let us still thanks to our creator cause we can't be here without his permission. The weather today seems to be bad. I think I can't do any activity outside our house. I just to try to grind in this platform cause I don't wanna pass this day without doing nothing.

What are the things you do when heavy rains comes?

Probably, some of us holding this cellphone scrolling on Facebook. Some of us also are watching animes and movies. I really love both of those. My favorite anime was Once Piece but it seems I don't have time to watch the remaining episode. Those mothers are making house chores especially when it rains. It is just me who noticed that our mother keep busy when it rain?

I'm not saying that all mothers really love house chores cause some of them get irritated especially when they finished cleaning the entire house and an hour or minutes past there they go again seeing those trashes. Some mothers are technology oriented they are really appreciate the gadgets. I'm not saying they are don't have time in making house chores instead they are more balance compare than us the new generation.

They have discipline that they don't prioritize watching movies or scrolling in social media. They tend to cease cause they don't want any house chores left. Now, let's go back to the questions. What are the things we do during rainy season. It's me who really love watching movies simultaneously eating my favourite snacks. Chicharon, Junk food, bread and a hot coffee are my favorite. I don't know why but I really love those kind of food. Sometimes my mother advice me not to eat too much junk food and drink too much coffee cause there might have a bad effect.

Is it just me who love junk food? I agree that this food can cause our organs failure. But why just I can't cease myself eating those kind of food. Maybe I need to stop this kind of eating cause I'll be suffering soon if I continuously eating junk food. I need to stop cause I don't want any huge problem in the future. I think I can make myself discipline.

During our childhood days

During our childhood days. Me and my friends love playing in the rain. Sometimes we roam around the neighboring Barangay just to play with other children. We tend to go the nearest river and that's great cause there was a slide there and that is perfectly a slope. We enjoy the day playing in the rain but there's something tragic happened that time cause one of our friend got drowned.

We are getting panic cause we saw our friend drown and that we felt the agony. No one except one of our friend Johnny who try to save him. The flow of the river was so dangerous. Its current was so shocking. Good thing that Johnny saved him through long leaves of coconut. He immediately grab the leaves and that we helped Johnny to pulled him out. Good thing we made it and saved him. We are glad to went home cause we arrived all safe.

Lesson learned, we shouldn't indulge such activities especially when it will make us jeopardize. We should ask our parents for consent cause what ever happens they can determine our location is. Sometimes being in a childhood stage our curiousity and activeness has both positive and negative. It makes us different from other people. In my case we tend not to do it again since it traumatized us. Much better to watch some movies instead of roaming from far places. In our times right now isn't safe anymore infact nature can be put us in great danger also. Many people also have bad intention especially to those naive ones. Better to just stay at home or helping the house chores. Your parents might please on what you did.

$ 0.48
$ 0.42 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jijisaur
$ 0.01 from @reanbooks
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Oh, during rainy days, I want to be in my bed and watch a movie. And then, will cook something hot like instant noodels, hehe!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow , that's great activity during rainy season. By the way thank u very for your upvote. That's a great support for this content

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True my friend. It's better to stay at home then watching movies than going outside because sometimes it's not safe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's true can't predict what happens next. It's better to stay at home, studying or whatever activities that can eliminate boredom

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend true. We should always prioritize our safety first.

$ 0.00
1 year ago