I feel bored and tired

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It's been a long time that I didn't publish article but let me fulfill it right now. In life have so many options. Sometimes we've got the wrong decision to obtain something. Today I'll be sharing with you two things that involve our decision making or which we prefer. Actually this content supposedly publish last week but I feel so tired. So, let's start this...

Rain or Shine

I really appreciate the atmosphere of rain but not to the extent that it will last so long cause it might flood the whole are. You know what my sleep during rainy season makes me fall into a deep sleep. My experience about that was it makes me feel realx seeing the window with a slight rain. While doing that I sing different songs but later, or couple of minutesy eyes becomes so heavy like it seeks for a bed.

I love sunny day also cause you can do any activities outside and inside of the house. I can still remember when I was a child, I always pray that the weather will be normal. I really loved playing outside with my friends. It has alot of meaningful experiences when we have a good weather. Sometimes I hate also sunny weather cause I can't find an excuse to absent or skip my class unlike rainy season I can have reasons.

Feel of being tired?

Yeah, this past few weeks I feel like I'm so tired. This was the main reason why I didn't publish content. Did you experience of being tired? Well, as human we experience throughout our life of being tired. I admit that when ever I feel a certain day tiring even though I did nothing I always put myself in a room. I sleep all day. My mother asked me why I just in my room whole day I just responded I'm so tired hehe.

My mom scolded be for several time making this frequently. I realized that that being tired was just normal like it happen sometimes but don't allow it to dominate over yourself. Don't allow your body to be stagnant you might be making yourself unproductive cause instead of making valuable things you'll just staying at home doing nothing.

When I realized that there's nothing we can wait for a tiring day, I just try to find different task to accomplish. It's difficult to contend when laziness stikes on us. It's one thing that a student feel when they are bombarded when various tasks and activities. When I was a student I love those vacant time like I'm just staying in boarding house, watching movies. I love this kind of moment.

Riding a boat or motorcycle

For me, I love spending my time along the beach. I don't know why but riding a boat makes me feel good. I always enjoyed spending leisure time together with my family in the beach. I can still remember when I was first year high that time and my uncle want me to drive motor boat. I found it hard at first but as I observed when you're in an actual situation it's easy to handle it.

My uncle allow me to try his motor boat and I found it great but there was this one moment that makes me trauma cause I nearly heat one motor boat. I can't control immediately the handle or we called it timon. It almost hit another motorboat, fortunately the other driver immediately rotate on the other side and try to dodged. If incase it happened we were bought in a great danger or we might lost our lives.

Do you still have time for this platform.

I always want to write at least a single content per day but laziness or boredom strikes me. I really want to write but if feel tired when ever I try to think any idea. Well, not to the fact that I always like that, yes it might feel tired but it's seldom. Right now I strive to post one article since I didn't publish for almost two weeks.

Time might be the hardest time to cope. We have different task to accomplish. Sometimes we are bored and feel tired. I'm encouraging you guys to have time for this platform. Never surrender of what your goal is. One reason why I got tired publishing content cause of a very low price of BCH. My earnings have been stagnant. Although it's not quite big but it really helps alot.

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$ 0.74 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @DennMarc
$ 0.01 from @Sequoia
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I can totally relate with the feeling of being tired sissy huhu. Jusko ang sarap lang talaga humilata, mag scroll sa social media at walang isaiping problema uhuhuh. Anyways, I love rain as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When its raining, I mood becomes gloomy and sad but at the same time it helps me to contruct my thoughts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel so lonely when rainy days come charrsss..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The sunny and rainy seasons have their advantages and disadvantages...just as you stated. I love rainy season so much, it makes me feel cool and prevent excess heat.

Did you just mentioned that you don't like sunny weather because it takes away excuses for missing class? Hahah🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes cause I can't think any reason for me to skip my class 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like sunny day than rainy days because I felt so lazy to move around. The coldness stop me from doing anything and just lay down.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel tired when rainy days come hehe..it's true that we want to stay inside the room and just relaxing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are times we feel so tired. Even we did nothing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed maybe we can experience that because our body and mind doesn't work simultaneously

$ 0.00
2 years ago