Hardship and Effort

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago

Hello guys! What's up? What are you doing right now? My apologize to all of you since I didn't have time to create a single content this past few weeks. I have alot of activities to do that's why I can't manage to drop some comments on you content. Again let me apologize again.

Anyways I think there are also people who have the hardtime coping things cause they are bombarded with some activities and schedules. Those teachers and parents and other profession have alot to do. So I understand if they can't drop a comments. But there are those amazing person who can manage their time. They still have the time to create a content despite of all.

Actually my topics now is all about questions. Maybe I don't have the time to think the happenings, I think the best to generate ideas is it should start with a questions so without father a doooo...let's start.

What's did you do after 2 weeks absents here in this platform? Well, I have my study, so definitely I have to focus first on my study. But why you have so many hours you can have this platform spending atleast 30 minutes or 1 hour? It's because I'm not a brilliant guy who can cope things easily. Even this content I found it very hard. I'm not an honor students but I strive.

I'm just a normal student who only obtained satisfactory grades I only got 80% the highest and rest of my grades are around 75 above. Hehe, that's so small. I don't received any single medals both elementary and highschool. Well, I still studying but my capacity is just so slow. I can hardly cope the things that our teacher teaches. As expected I need 1 to 2 hours in making this article.

How does your life goes? I can tell we are still in progress. I'm the eldest siblings so expected I have the biggest responsibility among my brothers and sisters. My parents really expected me to help them, especially uplifting our current situation. My life has full of struggles and simultaneously happiness. It's one thing that I'm proud of cause God is so good.

Are familiar with TES or tertiary education subsidy, correct me if I'm wrong with the acronym. It's a kind of assistance to students in public and private colleges and universities. It's really help me alot especially when sustaining my financial needs. In this kind of assistance I don't have to worry about the expenses at school and boarding house cause every end of semester we are expected to received such money. Without TES we can hardly survive the college life.

I pay some bills, expenses at school and most importantly I can pay my debt. I also give those remaining money to my parents. I just grab atleast 2 thousand for my other expenses and the rest it should be my parent who handle the amount. My parents really happy about the said subsidy. That's why they are so thankful to the government especially to PRRD who help this assistance allow to happen.

For my final thoughts

My life has full of trials at the same time full with excitement. Well, that's life goes it's just like a wheel it has ups and downs. If you want the good side all I can say is No! You can have the both. Whether you like it or not you'll be experiencing about problems and fortunate days of your life. Even the richest man alive they couldn't have just one side of life. They can't choose the good side only. They have problems also on how they'll maintain their wealth.

Life isn't easy. I think problems are more likely dominant than a prosperous life. We have that in mind that problems are inevitable. Without problem also we couldn't appreciate the results of our efforts. Maybe God design our individual problems just appreciate the beauty of hardship. You know when we obtained our aspirations especially done thoroughly and wih endeavor we could have a great moment to celebrate and boast ourselves that we made it.

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Avatar for Amaranth97
2 years ago


What ever that is your facing, I know that you can get through it. Just keep on trusting God's plan and his ways and you will be fine.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we keep on trusting God cause he is the one that can help us in times of need and struggles.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay lang magpahinga, pagkatapos magpahinga, balik ka din. So happy that you get to publish again sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks sis, yes it's true we should also take a rest for a while then we continue nof what we plan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Problems are always there friend that's true. We encounter a lot of different kind of problems that's why we should be brave and always continue and be positive always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, we should be brave in every situation cause there are people who hopes on us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my friend that's true that's why we should be strong always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish you good luck in your work dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks cryptoman I'll bear that in my mind

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm kind of slow too, and honestly everytime I write an article it takes me 3- 5 hour's before I finished it. It's not also easy for me to cope up with things and so mostly I always failes to achieve my goals. However we shouldn't stop believing ourselves, we can still do better in time. Anyways, don't stress yourself too much, prioritize your study and you can just come if you have extra time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think we should believe on ourselves. Yes, I agree with friend that we should be focusing on our priorities. Anyways, leisure and pleasure time can be done when we have a stable work

$ 0.00
2 years ago