Bitcoin cash and platform

5 35

When I first encounter this platform, I always said to myself that I should be focusing here but I can't anticipate about what will be my fate here. Sometimes I missed alot of content. I have alot of things to do.

Bitcoin cash is really good idea. When I realized crypto, is one of the trends right now. Not just here in this platform but also in other platform. There are alots of mining platforms but it doesn't give us satisfactorily outcome since they share small amount. Maybe they have received small amount from the ads.

This platform is I think one of the biggest earning platform that I know. I think there are also other platform that has alot of benefits to receive. This is one of the reason why I need to focus here since it has a legitimate outcome. I can still remember when. I started here and it gives me alot of speculation cause I didn't know this platform.

It makes me feel what if, I didn't make good here? I have some motivation here it's the folks that really helps me. They give motivational quotes and contents. Like they shared only positivities in life. I couldn't imagine if some of people here are toxic. I think the majority of them are really good. I didn't encounter such negative people all of them are really good.

As you can see, in any of the dropped comments, All of them are really supportive. Bitcoin cash is indeed crucial for us. It's one of the most important way for us to get started with this platform. Let me asked you this; why are my accumulated BCH fluctuates sometimes, it diminish and elevates. Maybe it affects also cause the price of the stock is uncontrollable.

Is that exactly how it does? I can still remember when I read some content here saying that this platform has a bug. So, we shouldn't accumulates more than $10. It may results to vanish in some point. Bitcoin cash has a huge help for us. I admit also, it really helps me especially my main source of income now is just selling a load. I'm still waiting for the response of the company that I'm applying.

Hope they'll response me immediately since I'm eager to participate in a job. Same with other people here I need to have an extra income while at home or on the job. It's good to have this since I really need to save money for I have to help my family.

Noise cash, I'm still confused about this platform cause when I started there, it seems I couldn't communicate anyone. 😅 I really think no one likes my post there so, I better stopped. I just stopped. I also found out that earning in Noise has alot of different compare to read cash. Noise cash gives you small amount but you are freely give your thoughts to everyone. You just need to attach some phottos and a little bit is statement. Then you'll just post it.

Final thoughts

I'm very thankful to this platform cause aside from the folks, friends, and earnings. It helps me develop my writing skills. I shouldn't quit this platform even though I'm busy, I will find ways just to give time for this platform and folks here.

$ 0.50
$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
Sponsors of Amaranth97


I am also thankful for this platform that has given us so much. The best we can do it to continue giving quality contents and comments so we can improve all together.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, I always wanted to give not just quantity but more on quality content. I think we could do that through our endeavor.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, we can. It takes hard work and we should be able to do it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, BCH and this platform are indeed do their best to help people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's Great to know, by the way you're new here. Let me introduce you a warmth welcome 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago