Love ❤️ is a beautiful thing.

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Avatar for AmanSekh
3 years ago

The search for an understanding of love is an age-old quest​. The ancient Greeks described four kinds of love: agape, storge, eros and philia. ​Agape ​​​​describes love in a romantic or spiritual sense. ​Storge ​​​​is the kind of love that stems from affection or through family connections. ​Eros ​​​​is passionate, sexual love. And ​Philia ​​​​is the love of friendship. Different kinds of love carry different kinds of energy, but any form of genuine love heals and uplifts.

​Love can seem abstract, yet you know when it's there although, there are many ways to create or attract love. "If you want love, you must start by acknowledging the love that already exists in your life" ​​​Self-love expert, Michelle McGrath, from says ​​"why would the universe bring any more to you if you don't appreciate what you have already got?"

​Creating  love is about sharing love for it is in giving that we receive. Just as there are different types of love, there are different ways to give love. A simple word of "thank you" to people whose paths you come across, or whose assistance you benefit from is an easy way to show love. Offering your time, skills, and giving to charity is also a form of showing love.

​If you have ever fallen in love with a person, profession or pet, you will know of the intoxicating sense of endless possibilities that emerges in the early stages of love. Love becomes more intense the more you engage with it. You day-dream about it, create fantasies about it and imagine about it. Truly, love is a beautiful thing.

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Love is really a beautiful thing.. Live is unconditional and it priceless...

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3 years ago

Sometimes love sucks

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User's avatar Pep
3 years ago