Life lessons and optimism

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Avatar for AmanSekh
3 years ago

Optimism gives you calm nerves amidst life's stress. Optimism is that small window, no matter how small its size, but it opens wide horizons in life. The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, while the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. The insistence on optimism may make what was impossible in life.

 The optimist looks at you, the pessimist looks at your feet. Optimism is an art made by self-confident souls. A life without love and optimism is not life. An optimist is the only person who lives happily everywhere.

 If the sun escapes your day and the night falls, do not forget to light your inner sun and be optimistic. Optimism is the belief that leads to achievement in life. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence in life. 

There is a crack in everything, so this is how the light enters. When you're not optimistic, intelligence decays. If you feel pessimistic, consider the rose. The pessimist, the fool sees the light before his eyes, but he is unbelievable. 

Optimism pushes people towards giving, progress, work, and success. A person without hope is like a flower without water, for without it, it may die before it finds someone to save it.

 Optimism is a candle still lit in the womb of darkness. Optimism is a great feeling that hovers in the heart of every happy and successful person. Optimism is the origin of the fuel of life in the human soul and protection against the dangers of mental and physical disorders. Give each day the opportunity to be the most beautiful days of your life. 

A strong mind is always hopeful, and it always gives rise to hope. There are those who complain because the rose has thorns, and there are those who are optimistic because above the thorns is a rose.

Life is a flood of memories pouring into a sea of forgetfulness, while death is an established reality. In school, they teach you the lesson, then they test you. As for life, it tests you and then teaches you the lesson. 

I am not sorry except that I only have one life to sacrifice for the sake of the homeland. Culture is to know yourself, to know people, to know things and relationships, and as a result, you will behave better in all life stages.

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Avatar for AmanSekh
3 years ago


life is a lesson. our life can be a lesson for others

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3 years ago

Ya dear you are absolutely right

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3 years ago