Insecurity is not good.

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Avatar for AmanSekh
3 years ago

Insecurity means having discomfort about something. It also means being unsure about something.

We all have some insecurities in our lives. 

 There can be many reasons of being insecure.

People are insecure about their loved ones. 

They remain in unnecessary doubts like whether they have given others full care or not.

We should overcome our insecurities. For this, we have to stay relaxed. We should not overthink about people or any thing. We should be sure and confident on whatever we do or say.


And above all, do not reveal any of your insecurity in front of people. Because once people get to know, they will always tease and hurt you by using your weak point. 

Sometimes, people get irritated if we show too much insecurity to them. They might don't like it. They may feel them in a cage because of your limitless doubts.

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When you are insecure you just keep messing up

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User's avatar Pep
3 years ago

Ya dear you are right

$ 0.00
3 years ago

good effort

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks dear

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3 years ago