I got 10,000 stream on my music

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Written by
2 years ago

I never thought I would make it to this extent

Hello guys I go by the name Amahya I'm an upcoming artist a singer/songwriter I base in Nigeria under the continent of Africa please before I go straight to the point I have a little advice for those reading this article, if you truly believe in your dream plan for it, work for it, this is the simplest key to success I understand

It has been three years have been in music when I started I was not that good I came across a friend name ray smith he introduced me to another friend name chuks millito along with some other friends who came to join us we were up to 8 members and a girl we where all planning to achieve this goal called music

We created a music crew name nightcrawlers

Which was now later changed to dawning music empire (DME) we didn't intend to change it to (DME) it was the idea of two guys I brought to join the crew they were nagging saying that the name is not good and the way we are doing it is like a secret cult thing that anyone can come and join like that they lecture us and said it not so that will should turn it a label after their idea of turning it to a label they now name it (DME) after the agreement and change we all went to our various home to relax as if we end music since that day we made a change they all stop music accept for me and a friend called chuks millito and from that day my life change, the way I sing the way I think it all happens with the help of a friend chuks millito from that day I started working hard for myself up till now still putting more effault. So many people have given up on me my friends my home even my blood brother who is much closer to me but I didn't give up on myself

I just released a song titled bad mood I know I've been releasing different sounds before this came but to me this is special I release it last year December and I made a video demonstration as well it available on audio mack why the video is on YouTube I don't have money I would have distributed it to a different music store and promote it, I didn't have much I did a little advert on my Instagram page before u no I got 3,000 views and a lot of engagement and few comments I was happy I know I pay for it but I was super excited to see comments and engagement the funny thing was that I came online this morning I said let me check my stream on audio mack before I could check they already notified me saying congratulations my song has got to 10,000 streams which are 10,000 plays I was shocked course before I hardly get 50 plays for a year but now I got 10,000 plays in two months isn't that a miracle? I never expect it to reach that extent my happiness today start this morning guys I need you to go stream more I, no you reading these search Amahya on audio mack you will see for yourself also help stream you gonna love it

The song is all about the one you love and cherish most either a boy or a girl when she breaks up with you all because of one little mistake and when you're trying to fix it she said a broken cup can't be fixed that means we have broken up we can't come back again

This was what happen as a result which lead to breakup, the relationship started last year and ended last year she was lovely and she was all I was looking for but I made a mistake I couldn't control myself I was too selfish my action push her away that I was trying to fix she said no I even told her there is no perfect relationship what matter is for us to understand each other and I also told her we humans have our own dark side but she wouldn't listen that day she end the relationship between us I felt so bad I don't no what to do how to start again was very difficult for me so one particular day she gave me a call I wasn't there when my phone was ringing then I decide to call back she pick and later told me it was a mistake I taught she was going to say let come back I didn't get anything after she end the call I felt sad I was in a bad mood just alone that's how the song came to my head bad mood please guys go check it out you go no love it please live a comment section let hear what you go no say don't skip

Love you all.

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Written by
2 years ago
