🌱 7 Mindset Habits for 2021 🌱

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3 years ago

If you are a person who like to do or switch things up for the new year, this article is for you.

2021 is fast approaching and while everyone is rushing to do more before the year ends, others are also rushing to write down all their new year resolution, plans or goals before the new year. And I decided, this year, I wanted to work on my mindset habits. And here is the list of my mindset habits i wanted to incorporate for 2021 :

📎 STOP COMPARING MYSELF WITH OTHERS - This one is important for me. I hate people comparing me to others and yet I allow myself to do that. Now, I wanted to change it. I will try to take into consideration the fact that not all of us have the same timeline. Nobody's keeping a score, you can be at your 30 and still figuring things out in your life and that's totally okay. You have a lifetime to figure it out. I have to remind myself that I shouldn't compare my chapter 4 to somebody else's chapter 15. This is to say that I don't know half of what this person I am comparing myself with went through before she got the life I am jealous of now. Instead of being insecure, be inspired and believe that I will get there, too!

📎 I CAN GET THINGS DONE - In the past, I have experiences where I always end up messing things up and have to asked for someone else's help to fix it. And since then, I felt like I am not caapble of doing things in my own. But now I want to reframe that to acknowledging that I actually didn't always mess up things. In fact, I have accomplished tasks in the past by myself and I managed. i just have to believe that I am capable of doing things!

📎 I AM RESPONSIBLE OF MY LIFE - I usually don't take responsibility before because i have this doubt creeping in that I won't be able to do it anyway in the end. And i realize how much harmful it is for me to think that way. And so, here I am owning it, that I am responsible of my life and i am committed to do things that will be beneficial to me and my growth.

📎 I CHOOSE TO LEARN FROM MY PAST MISTAKES/FAILURES - Because of my past failures and mistakes, I have grown to be cautious, anxious, and mostly just restricting myself and not allowing myself to go out there and try something new. But this time of the year, I am reminded that experience is the best teacher. I understand now that I can always get something out of a bad situation like a life lesson i can use for the rest of my life.

📎 I WILL NOT LIVE TO SATISFY THE EXPECTATIONS OF OTHERS - I have this habit where I make other people's opinion of me my business when I know I shouldn't. I don't have to live my life according to somebody else's opinion or expectations of me. This will allow me to let go of what I can't control - people's expectations or opinions of me, and take hold of what's mine - my life, decisions and choices.

📎 I WILL STAND UP MORE FOR MYSELF AND SET BOUNDARIES - I have to remember that people usually projects their insecurities and fears on me and it's not okay to just understand them and take it, all the time. I will set boundaries and let them know that I can't be their punching bag. Just take their baggage elsewhere.

📎 I WILL BE MORE GENTLE TO MYSELF LIKE WITH A FRIEND - Im just really my onw worst enemy. And I now realize the importance of not partaking in negative self-talk especially when your in your most depressive season. It can't be my always resort. I have to remind myself that I can be my own best friend, too. And when you're speaking with your best friend, you speak with kindness and compassion.

These are the mindset habits I wanted to established and take hold of for the new year. I am grateful for all the lessons that 2020 brings,and I am excited for what 2021 has in stored for me and for us.

How about you guys? Have you thought about the mindset habits you want to work on for 2021?

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Written by
3 years ago
