Driving made easy

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Avatar for Alvin55
2 years ago
Topics: Driving

Hi guys good morning I am Alvin by name I am 17 years old and i want to say something very surprising that happened to me

I was called to come to my village some days ago and I left my house and I went to the village when got there I was very tired and I went to shower. On my way coming out from the bedroom my elder brother told me Alvin you're going to drive us out today

And I was like ar! we going to drive them now possible could that be? I then said OK in me but outside I was not OK because I haven't sat on a steering before, then my elder brother went to take his bath and when he was done bathing he dressed up by then I was very scared in me so I won't batch the car.

He then went inside the car to clean it

After then he gave me the key to steam the car first which I did and he said I should match the break and on the car which I did at that point my hands and leg where shaking I was scared i don't want to die God help me.

He then realized that I was scared he told me not to b scared that i can do it, I then harden my mind that I will do it,I then off the car and on it again then I on d security and I hold the steering and he directed me on how to revise which I did it perfectly

Things he told me when driving

  • Always use one leg When driving

  • Always learn how to hold the steering straight after revising

  • Learn how to give signal with your lights

  • U should always keep your leg close to your break

  • And u should be concentrated

  • U should learn to measure your car,which means you should know where your car can enter

And I took note of all of them and I was driving the car I then got to a point when I am going to turn he then told me to on the traffic gator light and look both side very well and I match the acceleration and we moved on. While driving I was very happy and I turned on my camera and made some videos and selfie of my self


And after everything that happened that day I drove him very well and I took him home Safely with out having any scratch So right now I know I can drive now. Thanks everyone

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Avatar for Alvin55
2 years ago
Topics: Driving
