Social service of a student

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Avatar for Alvee-akter
3 years ago

The principal duty of a student is to study.But as a member of the society, he can never avoid serious problems of the society.

Illiteracy is one of the major problems of our country. A large number of people both men and women,do not know how to read and write.Students can participating in educating these people.

Government and NGOs can appoint students in illiteracy eradication centre. Students can take part in the campaign for a planned family life. They can help the government and NGOs to raise awareness among people to encourage them to keep the family small.

Students can contribute to removing drug addiction. They can build up libraries, science club gymnasium in the village. They can encourage young learners to be involved in such institutions... I Think every student can do this things... So.. We need to be more careful about these things.

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