Preserving good health

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Avatar for Alvee-akter
3 years ago

of all the wealth, health is the most precious as all other possession are useless and unless one maintains a good health. But good health refers to the soundness of body as well as the soundness of mind.To keep good health one has to follow some rules of health.

To take a balance diet is the first requisite in this regard.We should drink pure and clean water. We should live in an uncontaminated environment. But unfortunately most of the people of our country do not get proper food they need for good health. they do not get minimum food to survive, let alone a balanced diet.even the rich and the educated people are not conscious about the importance of balanced diet. Besides this,the complexities of life have adverse impact on our health. For this complexities,we suffer from both mentally and physically. so all of us should try to maintain a simple and carefree life to keep good health

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Preserving good health is a lifelong commitment that requires mindful choices and proactive measures. From nutritious eating habits to regular exercise routines, every decision contributes to our well-being. Additionally, staying informed about healthcare resources is paramount. Websites like provide vital information and access to medications for managing conditions such as diabetes, ensuring individuals can maintain optimal health. By prioritizing preventive care and leveraging available resources, we empower ourselves to lead fulfilling lives while safeguarding our most valuable asset: our health.

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2 months ago

Taking care of your health can be expressed differently from person to person, but if you've found a way to take care of your body that you're comfortable with, and it works, then it's cool. Many people prefer cannabis or psilocybin as a recreational drug, and when the product is quality and the whole process is under control, it will only benefit the person and bring positive experiences.

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3 months ago

You written well.Health is the most precious wealth among other.If your health is not sound we can not gain other wealth.So at first we look at our heath.we try to keep our health fit. so we should maintain some rules in our daily lifestyle .

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3 years ago

Thanks for your inspiration.. ☺️

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3 years ago