This Story Will Touch Your Heart

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4 years ago

Its about a girl, who was hated by everyone. Even teachers hated her, just because of her physical appearance. One day, she was given task in her school to complete an assignment. That assignment was very difficult. She new that, if she wouldn’t complete that assignment, everybody will get a chance to laugh at her.She went home that day, and started her preparations. She required to paint some poster for her presentation. Happy little girl, completed everything on time. And she was ready to go to the school. She went to the railway station to board train, she was already late for school. Suddenly, this little girl saw her long lost friend on the platform, she remembered her face but, forgot her name. She thought that, if she asks her about her name, she will feel bad. So, she dropped the idea of asking her name, and started speaking with her, until the train comes. Her friend asked her, whether she can help her carrying things, but the little girl said “ no, thats OK ! Then her friend asked, atleast give me the poster that you are carrying, this little girl agreed and gave the posters in her hand. The friend also wanted to board the same train, but her destination was different. The train arrived at the platform, her friend caught the train but this little girl missed the train, her posters which were very important went along with her. Oh my God now what do I do now? My posters which are very important are gone along with her. I dont know that girl’s name. I didn’t ask her where she will be getting down. She remembered her teacher’s words that if she doesn’t present well and if she is unable to complete her assignment she will be taken out of the school, and that is all everybody wanted. The friend also wanted to catch the same train but her destination was different. She started praying to God in the name of Jesus Lord please let me get my posters back somehow. Altough it was quite impossible to get the poster back, but this little girl didn’t lose hope. She caught another train and went inside. Train started moving it was crowded in such a way that, it was difficult for even the ant to move. In such a crowded train, it was not possible for this little girl to see outside window to check whether she can see her friend and get the poster back. She started crying and praying to the Lord in her heart. She had a lot of faith about getting her posters back. She said to Jesus in pray “whatever it is Lord , I am not going to lose my faith in you”. You are going to give my posters back before reach my destination. And that is my belief in you Sweet Jesus. And she was praying, she felt somebody touching her shoulder and telling her that someone there is calling you! She lifted her eyes to see who it was? And miraculously! She saw her friend carrying the poster bag in her hand. That friend was standing very far and she passed the posters bag to her. It was impossible for her friend or anybody else to see inside the crowded train. Her friend gave posters to her left. She has not seen her again. Ultimately God fulfilled his promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us. This little girl was happy and Praised God in the name of Jesus. And she could complete her assignment on time. This is the true story.

God is Good all the time!

Please comment down below if what is the lesson you’ve been learned to this story.

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$ 0.10 from @Tulips
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Written by
4 years ago


So inspiring and it made you motivated

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4 years ago