"World" in the Power of Thought

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3 years ago

"This is not a cartoon. This is real world!" Said Elijah Price, the genius who called himself Mr. Glass. He is one of the characters in the film "Glass" which is the end of the superhero trilogy of M. Night Shyamalan. The films "Unbreakable" in 2000 and "Split" (2017) are interesting stories about three characters who consider themselves extraordinary creatures.

Besides Elijah, there is David Dunn who assumes that he is a hero, as well as Kevin Wendell Crumb, a human with 24 different personalities. Their story in Glass begins with David's attempt to save the girls who were kidnapped by Kevin. They meet in one room and beat each other considering themselves strong. Unfortunately, they were caught by Dr. Ellie, a psychiatrist who believes that superpowers never exist.

Dr. Ellie, assisted by security forces, took David and Kevin to a highly guarded mental hospital. In fact, that place even brought them to Mr. Glass, Elijah. Dr. Ability. Ellie to give suggestions to the three characters that there is no special side in them to make Elijah step down. He believes that the privileges exist, and everything has been arranged in the scenario.

Ending a little tense, the three of them meet in one place. Colliding with each other, Elijah, in his wheelchair, controlled the direction of Kevin and David's story like he had read the comic collection. Everything seems real in his mind. They both think it is real. Meanwhile, Dr. Ellie, along with the three characters' close relatives, tried to revive those who were considered disturbed psychologically.

In fact, bipolar cases (multiple personalities) do not only occur in films. One of them was experienced by Anastasia Wella, a woman who has nine different characters in her. He has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This habit occurs when he faces a problem, feels under threat, or is in a difficult situation. The Indonesian citizen, who was first discovered to have 9 characters, is the topic of conversation. But it did not make him give up hope to recover.

Some people are able to control their thoughts, some are controlled by them. Everything that happens whether it's good or bad, the thought is what makes it that way. As in the story above, the great strength contained in the characters comes from their minds that are so strong that they think of themselves as superheroes. Even what happens in real life.

What we feel and experience actually comes from our own thoughts. Everything about our life, success or failure. Life is a struggle for everyone to varying degrees. Sometimes we face disappointments, frustrations, and various life problems. Humans often indirectly blame others for what they experience, but without realizing it, our thoughts determine how and what our behavior is like.

When we think that life is difficult, then that difficulty will haunt our own minds. How we deal with everyday challenges and how we solve those problems is a reflection of our minds. In short, we can use the power of our thoughts by changing the way we think, which will ultimately change how we feel or even behave.

An English poet, John MIlton once wrote about the power of the mind. According to him, the mind is very powerful, can make hell like heaven, and heaven like hell.

However, have we ever realized the power of that thought? In fact, we often don't realize that we are the ones making these thoughts. Assuming that thoughts just happen. Such is the power of the real mind. Things that we have been neglecting.

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3 years ago
