When the wheel turns

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3 years ago

His figure is small, tends to be cute in his head past his age 4. Every day he is busy with his efforts to earn a fortune by making and selling various foods, ranging from various snacks, pudding, chicken/meat rollers, fish/chicken nuggets, etc.

He did not hesitate to sell his own wares, going in and out of the office in my city. The snacks he made were very popular because she was really good at cooking. Besides that, the price of the food is very cheap. That is why his customers are waiting for him.

If he doesn't go around offering his wares, she can be sure he's busy with catering orders. She is still a beginner in the catering business in my city, so for the sake of attracting customers, he is willing to accept catering orders with a low budget (which of course a caterer who already has a name will not do).

Many people salute her personally, with his efforts to support his family. For the sake of his family, she is willing to work hard and even throw away all his shame. The life he is living now can be said to be far different from his past life. In the past, money wasn't something that was a problem for him.

Both of his parents are wealthy people. His father is a high official in his city. Since School (more than 25 years ago), he's been driving to school. Yet at that time, only very rich people could afford a car. At his house, there are 3 household assistants who are ready to help him. So, working hard is not a part of his life, it used to be.

She decided to separate from her parents, when she decided to follow her husband in moving to his hometown. Her husband is a successful contractor, while her mother-in-law is a successful catering owner in the city. Initially, her household life went smoothly and she also lived the beauty of life in moderation as she was when she was a teenager.

However, the wheel spins and makes things different. Once, her husband suffered tremendous losses because of being deceived by a business partner. It made him lose all their belongings. Fortunately, her biological father gave her a house (which was large enough) to live with her husband and two children.

To eat daily and make ends meet, his family depends on his in-laws. At that time, her husband tried to get up and start a business again. They literally crawled and started everything from scratch. Seeing the heavy burden her husband was carrying, she started to learn how to cook with her mother-in-law who has a catering business.

After feeling quite capable, he also tried to make various foods and sell them himself, door to door, from office to office. Meanwhile, the beginning of her involvement in the catering business could not be separated from the intervention of her parents-in-law. Her mother-in-law, who was touched by her daughter-in-law's hard work in helping to earn a living, began to offer her to accept catering. Catering orders that are 'small' in terms of quantity and budget (which the in-laws don't want to handle, because they are accustomed to receiving 'big' catering orders), try to offer her in-laws.

To help ease her burden, her mother-in-law allowed her to use the name of her in-law catering. In addition, all kinds of needs that are required to serve catering orders (glassware: plates, bowls, glasses, etc., buffet tables, tablecloths to box cars) she is allowed to use catering goods belonging to her father-in-law.

That is, even though his life is now not as cute as his previous life, he is living it sincerely. Even though her in-laws are still helping her household with financial problems, she can feel happy and satisfied to be able to give pocket money to her children from her own hard work. He also began to gradually reduce the amount of 'compensation' from his father-in-law to his family.

That's how life is, we must always be ready when the wheel turns and puts us down. Are we ready?

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3 years ago
