When Hungry The World Also Fluctuates, not only Stomach.

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4 years ago

In prehistoric times, when humans were hungry, they just hunted for food in the forest. Very simple without going through intermediaries. However, modern humans have to go through many processes to fulfill their hunger. Humans have to deal with financial problems, transportation, tastes, and a multitude of other problems.

Hunger is the most basic human desire. Hunger is one of the problems of three basic human needs, clothing, food, and shelter. A number of tragedies have occurred in the world as a result of hunger not being fulfilled. for example in Yemen itself due to lack of food, every 10 minutes a Yemeni child dies of malnutrition.

North Korea was hit by famine from 1994 to 1998. Apart from being caused by floods, this famine was also caused by a chaotic government. In 1995 major floods occurred and damaged around 1.5 tons of wheat and rice crops there so that North Korea experienced a national food shortage.

Over that time, the child mortality rate increases to 93 for every 1,000 children. However, Kim Jung II, who was in charge at that time, still prioritized food for his soldiers over ordinary people. In a period of 4 years, it is estimated that there were about 3 million people who died from starvation there.

Another example in southern Sudan, the UN has recorded that around 100,000 South Sudanese are suffering from severe hunger. And a million other people are categorized as suffering from famine. And there are many other cases of hunger in the world that have occurred.

Looking to the future that there will be a food war in the future. This condition occurs when the world experiences a food crisis due to environmental pollution.

'You're willing to do anything when you're hungry'

Have you ever heard that phrase? The sentence has become the jargon of advertising for snack products that show an increase in human aggression when hungry. Research shows that hunger can indeed make humans more aggressive and emotional. This is because the brain lacks glucose. Reporting from The Huffington Post, Paul Currie, an appetite behavior expert and professor of psychology at Reed College, revealed that hunger can change a person to be very emotional, which often occurs as stress, anxiety to anxiety.

Hunger is actually the body's reaction to tell you that "you are hungry, it's time for you to eat!" Because since the last time you eat, the number of nutrients and glucose will slowly decrease. When the brain doesn't receive enough nutritious blood flow, it perceives it as a life-threatening situation.

When you feel that your soul has been threatened if you don't eat, and it turns out that there is no food at all, then you will do whatever it takes so that you can eat and your soul is not threatened anymore. It is possible that you will do something bad and lead to evil, just to get food.

Hunger is the basis of greed. Hunger is a bad human trait that destroys the peace order. Why? Because when humans feel hungry, they will do whatever it takes to get food. It could be, he will take food from anyone. And he will continue to do so because he does not want his life to be threatened.

To overcome this greedy nature, Islam through the Prophet Muhammad provides an example. Through his hadith, the Prophet said "stop eating before you are full". That is one of the recipes for healthy living a la Rasulullah SAW, which is not overeating. Modern research shows that eating enough (not too much) is also good for a person's age.

The findings of Kalluri Suba Rao, a literary biologist, prove that eating a little bit allows the body to concentrate more on repairing itself, so that DNA repair activities, removing toxins from the body, and regeneration of damaged cells with healthy cells can take place more optimally. Meanwhile, eating more than the limit will make the body busier with metabolic activities (breaking down these foods in the body). So that it doesn't have time to improve itself. Have you eaten today?

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4 years ago


Yes it's true some people will do bad things in order to ease their hunger.

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4 years ago