What Makes DigiByte Safer?

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DigiByte is not the first digital asset in the blockchain system. Introduced to the public for the first time in 2014 by Jared Tate, he claimed that this digital asset is far safer with a layered protection system compared to other assets. Jared's desire to develop digital assets began with his dissatisfaction with the security and speed of Bitcoin. Together with his team, he began developing DigiByte in 2013, continuing with the release of the first block mining in January 2014.

The developer mentioned that DigiByte is a digital asset that cannot be destroyed, falsified, or hacked. This makes DigiByte an ideal asset for protecting valuable objects such as currencies and other important digital data. Here are some things that make this asset safer compared to other types of assets:

1. Global decentralization: the DigiByte blockchain is spread over more than 100,000 servers, computers, telephones, and nodes throughout the world.

2. Five mining algorithms: DigiByte uses five safe and sophisticated cryptographic mining algorithms to prevent the centralization of mining.

3. Difficulty level stability: difficulty level adjustment aims to protect assets from some form of dangerous attack. By creating and implementing DigiShield and MultiShield, DigiByte has the most sophisticated stability difficulties of all the current blockchain.

Are you sure about trading Digibyte? Or buying and selling Bitcoin remains your favorite?

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Nice one about Digibyte. It states the unknown things about Digibyte and how Digibyte can be a better option to Bitcoin.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Digibyte is cooler than we thought at the beginning. First $DGB I ever saw was gifted to me through a Twitter monetized post. After checking for price I was a little bit interested, yet I ended selling it for Bitcoin. Big mistake, in almost no time DGB pumped a lot!

$ 0.00
4 years ago