What is Independence without freedom

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10 months ago
Topics: Freedom, Thoughts, Personal, Reality, Love, ...

What are human rights? The funny thing is that they are created by countries that scream for human rights, but their fearful side holds many question marks about what they are doing.

Destruction, propaganda, invasion, forceful rule, theft of other countries' rights, and worst of all, slander for actions that are not or may not be proven.

The real bumti is those who speak, those who blame, those who laugh. A play without dialog but showing a real form of cruelty.

Two-faced or sheep-faced may be the term for countries that do not have basic ethical limits on basic morals and morals as humans.

They create a blood red hue, but without feeling guilty they are defended and tolerated. Shameful, isn't it? Indeed, it is appropriate to be said as a country that destroys the existence of the world today.

There is something intriguing in the current world scene of two countries that so echo the meaning of freedom that it is still clearly displayed today. Liberty Plate where the meaning of the statue is a welcome to immigrants, which generally means freedom. But the funny thing is that the two countries related to the statue even defend the existence of the destruction that is happening in the Middle East today.

The worst part of it is that it is clearly evident that Israel (not a sovereign nation, but a cursed people) has committed war crimes.

Is the anger of the rulers of the two countries closed?

Unfortunately, the real evidence cannot be removed, let alone eliminated. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. The ugly history of injustice brought about by freedom for the sake of freedom. The reality is only power over fear of not being considered a superpower. Lives were lost, and children were indiscriminately victimized. Is that freedom?

O allies who unite in the name of the tyranny of freedom. Have you learned the meaning and dignity of being a sovereign nation that upholds a just and civilized peace. Dumbing down and deprivation are the actions of you countries that do not understand the true meaning of freedom and mutual respect.

Wait for the time when destruction arrives in your country, the perpetrators of violence because the truth will present itself in reality. There is no power of God that can block it, because God is the power of truth and compassion.



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Written by
10 months ago
Topics: Freedom, Thoughts, Personal, Reality, Love, ...
