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1 year ago

Time has changed many kinds of conditions that occur on the side of the human race. Day after day it continues to pass leaving the past without being able to return or change what has happened. Even if there is, it can only be used as a life lesson to be avoided or not repeated. But still, what lies ahead cannot be guessed as the true reality, if it could maybe it would have felt better.

This is just a fragment of the contents of the heart that I want to express, even if it looks like an unoriented curve, maybe because of my own will to write based on what is in my head. And it's clear that there will be many jumps in the end. And it is also clear that there are no expectations for conclusions or meeting points for what is being made. What is clear has been said only in the form of loose writing what is in the head.

If you are confused, please ask yourself why you should be confused, don't make yourself confused and create hatred. If you like, continue to spend until the end of what is in the pouring of these fingers represent until the point of fatigue stops.

isn't it, clearly as vague as the journey of human life. Is it clear that the trip has been carried out? Appropriate or not suitable must be sometimes disappointing. And strangely humans always assume, hope, dream, presume, and imagine. Even though the point is still living. Who are they, us, you, me, or him?

Irregular indeed sometimes abstract and absurd is fun. Even though the envy of those who don't like it will surely be revealed later. Aren't their more people who fulfill lust than have feelings? Otherwise, this world would have been peaceful and beautiful a long time ago. Not broken and do not have a sense of competition that hurts one another.

It's a shame that illusions and dreams can't happen. Because both of them are only pseudo shadows between gray and gray. Like a dark cloud before it reaches the peak of the darkness of a storm. The earth and its creatures are beautiful, but what is more beautiful is the wisdom and manners of the human condition towards nature and its creator.

Forgetting unfortunately humans forget and forget a lot, and always try to forget. Don't want to remember and don't want to rely on the reality of who humans are and what humans are. White, black, yellow, red, brown is that just a difference or a difference? Ah, it feels too diplomatic to be carried on even though it is clear that there is no clarity on the point. And the feeling is just feeling and being felt even though you don't necessarily feel it, you already know what it feels like.


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Written by
1 year ago


We need to question our everyday deals and works with ourselves and other, to be full of compassion and pass every day with intention to be useful for ourselves and other either.

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