Unmarked "Teacher"

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3 years ago
Topics: Write, School

God will not change the fate of a nation if that nation does not have the will to change it. The future of a nation is determined by the quality of its education, and the quality of education is in the hands of its educators.

For centuries, Indonesia has held the motto "Tut Wuri Handayani" in a teaching. The philosophy that was initiated by Ki Hajar Dewantara means "From behind a teacher must be able to provide encouragement and direction". The existence of a teacher among his students is not only responsible for providing information, but also providing direction and motivation.

Not only that, this motto is linked to two other watchwords. Ing Ngarsa Sung Tulada (in front, an educator must set a good example or example of action, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa (in the middle or among students, the teacher must create initiatives and ideas).

Three summaries in educating that are lightly spoken, but need a dialectic in their application. Not all teachers, who are based on well-known campuses or whose names are rarely heard, are able to practice this motto. Especially with the multitude of assignments that the teacher receives in addition to meeting the students face to face.

Being a teacher, not a talent. But appreciation of the love of one human being for another human being, to know each other. Even though, teachers are currently interpreted more as a profession. Establishment of the status quo in society, among billions of other professions.

Perhaps at this point in time, the slogan that the educational figure is struggling to ponder is being seriously tested. When teachers must be scrambling in transferring knowledge to their students. A pandemic education system that creates a boundary between teacher and being taught.

However, had the practice of these three watchwords really come to a halt? It shouldn't be. Because this slogan trilogy stands apart from the education system and bureaucracy. The values ​​can be grounded by anyone, anywhere and anytime. Even in the house though.

Now, the parents at home have the greatest control in educating their children. Not only teach morality, but also knowledge that has been conceptualized by the education office.

Many parents complained about the circumstances that were created. Not only because not everyone at home understands the material from school, but also because they are busy doing work.

So far, the burden of education has been mostly given to schools and teachers. Parents at home seem to let go of how their children will be educated and taught knowledge. Without knowing the process, parents also often blame teachers if there is something that is not pleasing to their perception.

Learning from home during a pandemic forces parents to play multiple roles. Monitor the entire learning system that their children must accept. But, isn't this a necessity? Whether or not there is a learning system during a pandemic.

R.A Kartini once said, "Schools alone cannot advance society, but families at home must also work. Moreover, it is from home that the power to educate must come".

This home learning system provides more space for parents to understand and encourage their children. Teaches how to think and find creative ideas. Although, there are still many parents who complain and struggle to play their roles at this time. As well as a home learning system that is still in need of repair.

Home is the first educational institution that a child goes through, and father and mother are the first teachers for a child to get to know the world better. Practicing the trilogy above does not always have to be pronounced aloud, but also in the practice of teaching by parents who, even without text, represent all educational theories that exist throughout the library.

Many people today often overlook the meaning of "education". What comes to mind when this word appears, none other than science that is systemized and categorized. Exact science, natural sciences, linguistics, and so on, most of which are in the form of theory in pages labeled with certain institutions.

People are starting to forget about character education, culture and creativity which are also very important for students to get. Especially to practice recognizing the environment, traditions, values, and knowing yourself. More often than not, it is covered by a stack of assignments containing "right" and "wrong" answers.

For Kartini, these teachings must have been instilled from home. By parents, especially mother as a madrasa or first school for their children.

All parents are teachers, who are very well versed in "unsung" matters. The success of humans in dividing the secrets of the universe is due to the teachings of their knowledge. Meanwhile, the success of teaching is due to the skill and sincerity of every "teacher".

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, School
