Understand children

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3 years ago

That's the point, why should we learn? Shouldn't we just play around, go out for a walk or do things that we enjoy without having to deal with reading and studying books. Can't it be like that?

Actually, I created this article because I wanted to better understand children. The minds of those who want do not want to learn and play around.

The main reason is that my child is without a mother and then my intention is to "be more capable" and become a moral person.

Lack of attention from parents sometimes we can act casually. I myself realize how valuable it is for the attention given to us from loved ones, especially parents. I who always get that attention feels like a child who has extraordinary love. Passed the habit to my brother. As if we were related to any distance. And the core of all this is my mother who never gets bored to monitor us.

Learning is necessary and compulsory

Coming back to the topic, when we were little we felt that playing games were the first thing we really had to do. But, not all day is spent playing. Indeed, the role of people around is very necessary. The role that always reminds us to study, recite the Koran, and seek knowledge. Not just giving food, it's done. That is just a ride in life, there is no learning at all. So the character of the child is also at will and does not want to be regulated.

What I like about my child is that he is not afraid of other people, is never shy in front of people, or likes to hide behind me when he is out of the house. Her self-confidence is extraordinary, to the point that many have praised them for her intelligence.

However, it is also a shame that when I was little I spent playing without studying. At least, if you don't want to learn, learn to have good morals. But coming back, who is to blame? The child? Yes, it's impossible ... he also doesn't understand which one is good and which one is bad. The environment does have a lot of impact in our next life.

Of course, a little child would want to know many things because he is new to this world, he still has to know many new things. I myself sometimes can't quite understand my child's behavior which sometimes makes me nervous. In fact, trying new things is a form of intelligence, he knows something and tries new things. Have to dare to sacrifice a lot, time, money, and effort.

We really can't be bored to teach children good things. Perhaps, we also have to learn a lot how to hone this patience much sharper than now. And I think ... there's nothing wrong with having a strong-willed child. Hopefully, it will become a field of goodness for him when he grows up.

I'm just trying to learn to understand my kids every day. Regardless of the opinions of other people, if it has nothing to do with the care and responsibility for my children. Because too much care about what people say will change many things that should be applied in educating children properly. Yes .. that's about it: D.

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Written by
3 years ago


Understanding children is one of the fundamental steps parents take in raising responsible and God-fearing children. If you do not understand, your relationship with your child will be confused. This is not just exercise, you still don't know who they are, what they can do, or what they can't do.

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