Time, when associated with work, is of course used as a limit for the length of work. The range of the start of a job until the end brick is expected to be completed for the job. And in conditions of time span problems sometimes all kinds of problems or problems will come from the work itself to problems outside of work.
So that the solution is expected to provide results so that the settlement can be taken and of course the work that is the responsibility or something that was prioritized before is finished.
Yes, the problem of these two things is often found in the world of work. And the typical nature of people also differs in determining the steps on the basis of the situation.
There are typically people who can indeed work under pressure and can bravely face all kinds of problems so that solutions can always be created. And there are also typical people who can't work under pressure, so they can actually make their work messy.
The first type is indeed the best choice solution for the company, of course, to advance the problem of the company's progress so that many criteria like this are more sought after or needed in a company.
However, the second type does not mean that it is not capable and is rarely found in a company. Usually, this is a type that can only focus on one problem so that it cannot be charged with other problems. Or it could be a typical person who is used to doing everything casually so that for a typical person like this it doesn't really fit the problem of time span. It can be done quickly or it can take longer.
It's a problem when the focus on something is often obtained and will destroy the initial focus of something that is focused. And typical of this type more often and more often found in fact. Because they are used to dealing with one thing more than many things.
But all of that is just research. It is possible that it could actually be present because of the patterns or habits of each individual concerned. Because basically, not everyone is able to face a problem at the same time.
Time and solutions are indeed important things in a job. If you want a variety of forms, you will definitely need these two things. Time can make a job clear, while solutions provide opportunities for completion and good results will be achieved.
If I look at myself and are asked which category I fall into. I say clearly and definitely, I am one of those who depend on the mood. So it is not included in the category that is accustomed to working under pressure. More precisely, you just usually focus on one thing and depend on your mood.
Not used to being restrained and not used to working confined. For a matter of time and solution, it seems bad for a soul like me. Because if there is a problem related to the deadline, it will be neglected and may not be finished.
It's a bad habit for a type like this, so there's a reason you're not used to working in a room or being tied down for a long time. I'm more used to working on fieldwork and lose conditions. Because even with adjustments to these two things, the work is often completed faster and does not experience many obstacles. Another positive thing is that what was previously not found a solution has turned out to be a solution.
Indeed, the time constraint is always there and the obstacle, in the end, to find a solution must be sought. All back to the typical and the habits of each individual to deal with it. If you are asked where is your position in this matter? Is it normal under pressure or free-spirited!