There are still many barriers

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Cost, interface, adoption, scope, usability, problems, use, and also support, are important records that must be prioritized in a cryptosystem so that they can be used as a guide by humans in an economic system. A guide is the most important milestone in a journey. So that people don't get lost also when they encounter barriers, everyone can help how to deal with the many barriers they face.

One example of supporting an obstacle is the existence of a bridge between two opposing sides. Even though they intersect one group with another, the existence of a bridge can help make it easier for anyone in the group to cross the problem at hand.

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

Even though it's just a bridge, it's also not easy, the formation that is being created at this time is still not said to be the best among those that have been created. The main problem with the bridge as a liaison is the problem of cost, availability, security, and also the condition of the bridge.

Where most of the existing bridges can be said to be still fragile and even make it difficult for users to use these bridges.

If you mention one by one the bridges that have been present in the systematics of the blockchain world in fulfilling the bridge between the two sides of the different crypto communities that are present and the best at the moment, it can only be said that the best bridge is still in the form of a centralized exchange. The rest is just a small bridge that connects from one side to the other with the strength of the small weight it accommodates.

Centralization is still a benchmark for the completeness of a bridge that can accommodate many crossings, but the main problem is the condition of being more expensive, as well as the anonymous factor. Meanwhile, the decentralization of conditions carried out by crypto, unfortunately, has less capacity as well as a lack of fund backers as a cornerstone of the strength of a bridge.

The conclusion from the different conditions that exist in the world of crypto as a supporter of the human economy is that basically there are still many barriers and problematic. And this is the main task that every developer should continue to strive for in supporting and also attracting the attention of more people who want to use crypto as a systematic part of the world economy.


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