The Two Children

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Story

This coffee makes my brain assemble all the events that I witnessed this afternoon, on the side of the road in front of the alley. The garbage collector's mother brought her two children to work together. The two children also picked up trash. Every now and then they stop and sit or even lie down on the side of the road. I let out my breath. My heart was sliced ​​to see that sight.

Many things are on my mind. I am still one of the fortunate billion people who can enjoy sleeping on a soft and comfortable mattress.

I don't want to be like that when I get old. I have to work hard now to make my children proud, someday. I could not hold back my tears when I saw them eat rice from the wrappers they found in the trash.

Really. I sniffled. I often throw away the leftover rice, even though it's still edible. I often complain because side dishes do not suit my taste.

How about the two kids? They can still eat leftover food with pleasure, with gusto, without disgust. God, I became one of the billion greedy humans. One of them is ungrateful. I took another breath and blew it away with a thousand of my heart's anxiety. Until finally there was a good intention that appeared.

My feet walked towards the shop and bought some snacks. Then, I walked towards the mother and her two children. I smile.

"Good afternoon Mom".

The mother smiled back. "Afternoon, Ms."

"Is this your son?" I pointed at the two kids and smiled kindly at them.

"Yes Miss"

"Hi, what's his name?". I looked down, leveling my height with them.

"I'm Sani, and this is my brother Ridho"

"Hi, Sani. Hello, Ridho. How old are you? "

"I am four years old," this time Ridho answered while raising five fingers. I chuckled. They don't even understand the count.

"Oh yes. I have a snack for you. There are chocolates, sweets, and bread. Do you like it? "

I gave them the plastic that was in my hand. I saw a smile bloom on their lips both.

"Like it, miss. This is for us? "

"Yes, that's for you. Do you eat it? "

I was surprised when suddenly my body was pulled and my hand was shaken by the mother. She lowered her head. "Thank you. Thank you"

I pulled my hand and then embraced the mother. "Yes, Mom. I am happy to see your children happy. They seem to like the snacks that I buy "

"Once again, thank you"

I smile

I should be thankful. The mother and the two children taught me many things. About gratitude, care, humanity. Also confirmed what my teacher said. "Knowledge is not only you get in school, you can get knowledge anywhere and anytime".

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Story


Experience is the best teacher. Not that im saying that im against education. Those two when combined will lead you to success

$ 0.00
3 years ago

. What's a amazing story I really appreciate it in this article relationship is one of the best things in life keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago