The True

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2 years ago

The scorching heat of the day did not dampen his enthusiasm to keep going to school. Hoping to get knowledge, even if only a little. On the way, he stopped for a moment. Randi met someone who was standing in front of him with a bag that faithfully accompanies that person. His hands were raised followed by the bag he had, his mouth launched lines of hope that Randi was willing to give a little happiness that Randi had. His eyes kept staring, while his right hand was trying to find something he might be able to gift that person. Deep in his pocket were found several thousand bills. Even if it's just a little, I want this hand to give it to him. However, his mind said otherwise; these sheets were his last rupiah which was only enough to be exchanged for a mouthful of rice for him to eat tonight, while the pocket money from his parents that day had indeed been limited only to school. Finally, with a heavy heart, he apologized to the beggar because he could not give him happiness. Randi walked away followed by a bitter smile on his lips.

Like a collection of chicks that had just been released from the coop, Randi and his friends rushed out of the classroom after the teacher who taught that afternoon ended the day's lesson. Usually, those who have just entered college still carry the attitudes of their childhood in high school. Laughter still echoed along the corridors of the classroom, they talked about many things, some even made fun of themselves so that the other friends could raise their voices to break the silence to laugh. In the commotion, they created, from afar the call to prayer echoed faintly.

"Okay, guys... it's time to complain about a real match" said Taka, a friend who always jokes.

Randi and his other friends were familiar with the term he used, complaining that he meant it was an outpouring of the heart, but they slapped on the word as an outpouring of intent and they agreed that the word was only used to indicate that they were going to pray immediately. yes... so that it's a bit slang, so it's an outpouring to the power

Right at the end of the school road, they set their sights on the mosque that stood firmly near their "beloved-awake and will be defended" school, seeing several people also following in their footsteps. To together dissolve in the outpouring of intent to the power at that time.

While waiting for the other friends, Randi sat on the terrace of the mosque. the breeze carried him into a long daydream. I don't know what he was contemplating at that time, he was carried away by dreams, drifting to the land of the middle of nowhere. clear grains remaining ablution 'still hanging on the sidelines of his face. His thoughts vanished when he realized the presence of someone beside him. Randi was taken aback for a moment, the man he met on the way to school this afternoon was back by his side. he comes with a pocket that is always and always may be faithful to accompany him. again he raised his hand followed by the verses of his hope. the heart's intention that he had to give him pleasure this afternoon appeared again. uncompromisingly, his hand stretched out a thousand dollars and put it in the pocket of the middle-aged man beside him. now his mind agreed. maybe later or tomorrow the pocket money from his parents might increase. Randi left the "pocketed man" shortly after a group of his friends asked him to leave. The man with the bag thanked him and graced his face with a big smile, no longer the bitter smile he displayed on the streets this afternoon.

Randi shake the hand of his uncle who had just come to his place of residence. He was the only person who had close kinship with him in this city. Even so, close kinship does not guarantee that his inner relationship with him is close, even distant. Even his mind wondered why he had come all of a sudden.

"It's been a long time not coming here, miss you," he said smiling.

Oops, since when did he miss? her smile amused. Randi knows that even though his house is not far from where he lives, he is someone who very, very rarely comes to him, even if he just stops by for a moment or just asks how he is.

Long ago, pleasantries continued to slip from his mouth, which in the end his uncle asked to say goodbye. without waiting for the signal "he invites" he left. just before he left, Randi was surprised by his action, which spontaneously handed him some fifty thousand bills. Randi had refused, but he insisted that he would accept it.

Last night, his eyes didn't want to close, he occasionally remembered the incident of the 'money bill from his uncle' incident this afternoon. Randi couldn't stop thinking and never thought it would happen.

"Uncle is a stingy person, but why did he 'dare' to give money, even though he had never before?" Randi thought.

On the sidelines of his raging thoughts, Randi remembered a word from Allah SWT in His words:

"The example of a person who spends his wealth in Allah is like a seed that grows seven stalks, on each stalk, there are a hundred seeds. Allah multiplies for whom He wills and Allah is all-encompassing and All-knowing.โ€ (Q.S. 2:261).

"Hmm... it's so true..." Randi muttered while remembering the bagged beggar this afternoon.

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Written by
2 years ago


Giving / sharing is caring. Whatever you share from the heart will come back to you a thousand fold. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿงก

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Nice Article and well message. Yeah to help other give you serenity and happiness. Use of wealth should do wisely. Best one. Keep writing more awaiting for next

$ 0.05
2 years ago