The smile warriors

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Poem, Write, Poetry, Thought

Tired, burst into the body and mind. Do not want to stop to look for a word established and about the meaning of happiness in life. When you feel too lonely to run from silence but too reluctant to look for someone who is able to accompany you. For a moment, sighing from all activities and routines, really, all I want is to be free from all the problems that never go away. But suddenly they came over. Yes, smile warriors are coming over.

When responding to the word warrior, there are many embedded with various terms for this word, There are art fighters, labor fighters, street fighters, state defense fighters, life fighters to corona fighters, and so on. And there is a beautiful phrase to accompany this word into a very readable sentence, the smiling warrior.

Sun and full moon always come on time to accompany and shine a light on the world. It is not dense about the meaning of stability and happiness which is always sought after. The ego flashes all the time disturbs the peace of mind when the steps stop to lean back and understand.

In the space that is constantly trying to fill the smile warriors tirelessly accompany. Heals the selfishness that always arises without realizing it every time the mind wanders.

The smile warriors comforted tirelessly without being asked. Joking, having fun, weakening the hardness of the heart unexpectedly. Glancing to see without thinking about the right time and hope something that smiles is still created.

The eyes of innocence and warmth always emanated from their bodies. Enveloped every space it occupied. He thought there was only happiness and joy. Playing, running, laughing. Hot or cloudy air is no different for them. The same and has a meaning to accompany them all the time.

The warriors smiled expecting a cheerful smile in return. They could not think about fear, sadness, or pain. They only know to live for the joy of their journey while living it. I didn't feel tired, greeted me, and the language felt light and innocent without ever being set out on its own.

The smile warriors kept on smiling. Over time it continues to be created to replace the old smile warriors. Continuing his job to give a smile to every human being they met.

Will always create an atmosphere of happiness, beauty, innocence, joy, and real pampering. Every behavior gives meaning to every human being in the world, without exception. Anyone who has it will feel a thousand happy, and if you don't have it, they will try every effort to get it and feel it. The little fingers along with the little steps were so enchanting, the sound of laughter and innocent speech sounded beautiful to every ear. Sometimes, in the dance they tell stories, sometimes in play, they wander. Sometimes they are spoiled for asking.

Everything is the same as a shining star even though it's only a little sparkling. It doesn't matter one, two, three, or many. Still shining, shining through the dark with dazzling beauty without promises of certainty. All smiles are real, not only as artificial sweeteners, but just like the others, they still look cute and happy without the expanse of glittering hopes of the world or all the glorious luxury.

They are only happy. Today and tomorrow are always happy. Today and tomorrow will always be the same they think. Smile again, and feel the beauty of the world. Today and tomorrow will remain the same for everyone we meet. Today and tomorrow remain the same in the joy of the Creator. Yes, a smile that never took sides, one that was very sincere with definite meaning and never asked for a reply.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Poem, Write, Poetry, Thought
