The skills you must have at this time

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3 years ago

The world of work in today's era cannot be separated from the increasingly rapid technological progress. Moreover, there is a pandemic, everything we do has moved to the online system. One of them is a work meeting or just communicating on the meet application.

So that you can survive with your job, besides working fast, creatively, and innovatively. You are also required to master the skills the company needs to win the competition in the market. Here are the skills that you must have in the digital era.

  • Can speak foreign languages

Having the skills to communicate in a foreign language is very beneficial in today's era. Because many companies require workers who are good at foreign languages, especially English. Not only useful when communicating with colleagues, but also can be used to operate various devices that speak foreign languages. Especially minimal English.

If you don't have this kind of skill, you can learn it from now on. You can take a month-long course, or just use a foreign language learning app. With this, your foreign language diction collection will increase.


Having abilities that other people don't have can be a driving force for self-confidence, which in turn leads to a positive attitude in completing tasks and facing work challenges.

  • Writing Articles

In this all-digital era, you are also required to be able to follow it. These writing skills can be learned from now on. Because this job can also change your life. By writing and even creating a blog and eventually being read by many people, it will give you income. And now there are many platforms that provide such services.

Moreover, all information can be obtained via a smartphone. And now many people use smartphones as items that must be carried anywhere. You can imagine how many people will read your writing.

You're a technician, write it down. You're a designer, write it down. You're a businessman, write it down. You're a soldier, write it down. You're a merchant, write it down. Write and see how writing turns you into a new person.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

After mastering the field of writing, it should also be accompanied by the ability to operate Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It aims to develop the blog or website that you have created by increasing traffic from search engines. To begin with, you can study what indicators affect the algorithm.

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Website pages that have been well optimized will certainly rank well on search engine pages, such as Google. So the better the position of your website pages on Google, then the opportunity to get potential traffic (visitors) will also be even greater. These visitors will become potential customers for your business.

  • Programming Language

Learning a programming language is not as difficult as many people imagine. Even though it's just the basics, these skills are in great demand today by employers. Are you late? of course not. You can start learning from now. You can take courses or buy books and study at home on your own.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Or through online media which are now widely available for explanation of program language problems.

Many people learn programming languages for this very reason. Yes, by learning to program and mastering it, we will have a great opportunity to increase our income coffers. Whether done as a side job or a main job, being a programmer provides a very promising income.

  • Edit Pictures and Videos

It is not only writing that can provide information through digital information media as it is today. However, pictures and videos can also contain useful information for others. The ability to edit images and videos becomes more attractive when viewed as one of the most sought-after companies today.

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

The rise of social media platforms such as Instagram and Youtube provides opportunities for the image to video editing experts. These skills including image processing using Photoshop applications, Adobe Premiere, and others can make you excel in this field. And to learn it, you can watch video tutorials on the platform for free. Or you can also attend a school or special courses in image and video editing.

Making product videos is a small part of your product or brand promotion efforts. There have been many businesses or online shops that have used Youtube social media as a medium for promoting their products. Actually, the main purpose of those who use social media for promotion such as Youtube is to introduce their brand to the general public. Because currently there are many social media users, not only Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, but Youtube is also an option for business owners or online stores to introduce their brand.

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3 years ago


This is so helpful article dear. 💟💟💟💟

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