The shaky ship

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3 years ago

The conditions of the day were not so good. But in terms of lack of sleep, blocked inspiration, and the condition of the body is in a state of drooping, lack of energy. Maybe because of lack of nutrition it seems. 😂😃😂

The shaky ship is just an obstacle because the condition is in the process of forcing itself to be able to carry out activities as usual. However, if you want to force it, you can't. Can only lie languidly in the corner of the bed while reading the news that happened today.

There's also a lot of news that is actually enough to make me want to bring it up into a piece of writing. But unfortunately, the brain is in a state that cannot be compromised to write down the news problem. Regarding the issue of panic among crypto players about the United States bill reported by Coindesk, and in my national news reporting about the problem of Bank Indonesia which will leave the U.S. dollar as a transaction following in the footsteps of Russia, China, Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia.

But apparently not strong enough to think and seek in-depth research about everything. So just produce a story about the behavior that is being carried out today. There are not many things from difficult sleep to headaches that peak when a congenital disease recurs. Eliminate it by taking drugs that are commonly used as sedatives and pain relievers.

A story in writing that tries to explain what happened today. From the lack of movement and playing with children as usual. Luckily they've grown a bit by now so there's a lot they can do on their own without needing my help. It's just lifting the gallon of water because it runs out today is all I can do. The rest they do themselves. Thankful and should be grateful indeed.

Drink coffee, sit on the side of the bed. See all the existing social media status. Trying to fill and spend time learning new things, but it seems like the brain is already hard to accept easily especially the moderate conditions like I have told you about. The weather conditions are actually very comfortable today here. Where the cloudy weather is blanketing the city we live in. Plus the gust of wind that enters through the car window cavity adds to the cool atmosphere. Unfortunately, only the condition of the body cannot be compromised to enjoy the atmosphere of the day to be able to go out and take a walk while filling the afternoon to relieve boredom at home.

And just like this article I just made one hour touching 18:58 western Indonesian time, entered at dusk after the Maghrib prayer time. The children were busy memorizing their Al-Quran waiting for Isha time to come. While his father was touching the keys letter by letter writing a story in writing today.

The shaky ship is not the state of a ship in the ocean, but it seems sweet and attractive enough to be used as the title of this article. Represents a free scribble without the frills of existing research and science.

It's as simple as that, that's a bit of what happened today that not much can be explained in its entirety about what was done. Through the day in a difficult state of thinking logically and looking for inspiration and doing the usual or other activities of the day.

Sorry if the writing is boring. And sorry if it just annoys the reader. After all, it all has the word freedom. Freedom of opinion, writing, and others. But don't let your freedom go too far, causing something bad to happen later. The shaky ship is a just free write about a story through a lackluster day today.

Warm greetings always to the community.

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Written by
3 years ago
