The main value of BCH

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2 years ago

The journey of bitcoincash in the crypto world has attracted quite a lot of attention since its existence. Various polemics about the basic goals of creating crypto are the basis for the rise of various new coins that have sprung up.

Bitcoin Cash with its development and benefits continues to be pursued so that the world community will be aware of the presence of crypto as a good alternative method compared to others to be better known and familiar with its use and uses.

In recent times there is one thing that the world community should be able to see. Consciously or not, those who know and see or hear certainly understand how the community in bitcoin cash has helped people in poor countries, or countries that are developing and developing have been helped by the existence of the bitcoin cash community.

From 2019 to 2021, especially on several crypto-based platforms, the use of bitcoin cash as a reward and payment method has made a major contribution to people around the world. Especially if you look at the condition of the world that has been affected by COVID-19, without realizing it, has provided a little help which has been quite good during this recent pandemic.

If you realize is coming slowly but surely, it has provided a lot of help to many people during this pandemic. Where online everyone who joins and makes an article gets a reward that can be said to help many people. A lot has happened during the Covid-19 outbreak and many have lost their jobs. However, at least a little of the results of various digital world platforms, especially those based on bitcoin cash, have contributed to helping the world economy which is in a deplorable condition.

Indeed, various kinds of other cryptocurrencies have also helped, but if you look at the growth of platforms that give rewards to users who join, is one that shows a good graph. Indeed, many other platforms are present and still survive. However, once again the consistent and strong community and the presence of donors are clearly visible, only the bitcoin cash community is still and continues to show a graph that is maintained.

Especially when viewed from the conditions during the correction period and the recent fall in crypto values. On the other hand, many other platforms are experiencing various problems in the payment method they choose. And there are even those who end their time due to lack of competitiveness, or communities that are not united, and if they continue, they will suffer losses.

One other thing is that the bitcoin cash community continues to create new platforms with payment methods that will still use bitcoin cash. The point of all that is only one introduction to the world community about bitcoin cash which can be used as a financial method on a per 2 basis. Without expensive costs and reliable speed.

The footsteps of the bitcoin cash community are increasingly being followed by various other communities. But unfortunately it has not attracted much attention. One of the things that distinguishes bitcoin cash-based platforms from others is their convenience. This is hard to get from other platforms. Either the old one or the old one and the new one. The problem of the ease of withdrawing the results of the bitcoin cash platform reward has not been followed by others. Even if there are, they still have the necessary limits.

Maybe platforms based outside of Bitcoin Cash should be aware of where they should be able to create more value than Bitcoin Cash. Or at least want to use or accept bitcoin cash as one of the payment methods. Because it can provide a good choice in the future, and prioritize the principle of benefit over the principle of the community's own interests.

Yes, you could say that's the advantage of using bitcoin cash as a payment method of choice. Because what is prioritized is basically the principle of benefit for many people. It's not just about raising your own community. But the thought is really for the needs of the crowd.

"The benefit aspect is the main value for bitcoin cash"

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Written by
2 years ago
