The love of Mother

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Freewriting, Write, Love

The sound of the holy verses of the Al-Qur'an carries me so far that it finally drowns this soul, and in the silence, without felt the tears flowed out when heard a prayer for all parents who have raised human beings.

"O Allah, forgive our sins intentionally and unintentionally that we did to our parents. Give us the opportunity to be able to say sorry words to our parents because we never know what will happen in our next life. We cannot imagine that when death comes, we will no longer be able to talk to our parents again, we cannot imagine when death comes that our parents are no longer in this world. With all Your pleasure, O Allah, we ask, allow us to be able to devote wholeheartedly to our parents. ".

Instantly this chest rumbled, mixed with all the feelings that were raging in the mind. The sky seemed to understand and was dissolved in sadness. Still crying, weeping over the sins that accumulate due to overstatement to the soul and also to both parents.

Making this heart continues to ask for forgiveness with all its heart by continuing to whisper prayers and asking forgiveness on every pulse and along with the roaring breaths of the consciousness that has been made.

Like when the rainwater touches the earth and hopes that it can refract the feeling of sorrow that has so far remained in memory. It felt cold as snow as if it was about to freeze the whole stream of blood that was roaring with fear and deep sadness when neither parents remembered.

What an extraordinary taste to remind the mind incessantly imagining past sins. Until fell asleep on a stretch of rug that stretched into the room where fell to his knees begging for forgiveness from the Almighty.


How mothers tirelessly sometimes try to fulfill their children's happiness is never stop. Her love was so sincere, without any strings attached to her nine months of pregnancy without feeling disappointed, even thousands of joys were present when she was pregnant with her child. Remembering the love of Mother who used to make cakes and dishes for her beloved family, guard and clean her family palace. Everything is done without expecting a reward and gratitude to every human being who has been born

Instantly, I woke up and walked out of the room, and suddenly my heart reminded me of an incident when death with an adrenaline rush was so excessive. Making choking breath as if someone is suffocating, and dissipating all healthy thoughts, when remembering and seeing the mother's body wrapped in white cloth interspersed by the accompaniment of prayers from the visiting nurses This self is unable to cry, I see that Mother cannot get up or get up like the normal day she goes through. It's just regretting ignoring that this incident will happen, and forgetting that death no one will know when it's time.

As long as the sky is split open, giving awareness, the mind continues to wander yet has not fully recovered into consciousness. Still here still silent in a quiet room and unable to make myself fall asleep. Grateful because the anxiety that continues to haunt me reminds me to send my prayers to my mother who has passed away.

Mother is gone, but her smile, laugh, jokes, her affection are still in my memory until this day. I closed my eyes remembering Mother's face, wanting to hug and say the sorry word that was always wrapped in the word forget without realizing the greatness of the sacrifice I had felt in the course of life.

I saw a mother who was still smiling and never forgot to adjust her prayers every time she passed for her children. Her eyes filled with tears of sincerity begged forgiveness for her children in a pray. What an aura of beauty that emanated from her physique was so emitted because of the sincerity of her love. All of her beauty is stored neatly in her heart because of her sincere attitude and character for the family she loves.

This Ramadan back reminds me of the figure of the mother, every time after performing the duty of worship I will always send a prayer of heaven's request and forgiveness to Allah for my mother, how happiness is felt in the world when the mother is still together in the world. Wish and always hope that this prayer will be conveyed and granted hope that it can save me, my family, and my parents when determining where to live in the eternal realm later.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Freewriting, Write, Love
