The forgotten statement

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3 years ago

Health is a condition that is so coveted by everyone. Health is the main value among the conditions desired by every human being. Health is the main choice in a person's illness for the hope of the future compared to everything in the world to be chosen. And healthy is the benchmark on which every human being can work or do business.

When a person or person is sick, the first thing that is often said and said is of course the word healthy. Where can beat anything else in this world? Become the top main choice among various other choices. Wealth, fame, success, or other things that are usually things that are always pursued and hailed will be forgotten. It is no longer the main choice or something to be glorified as in the healthy era.

But for some reason, when he was healthy, he came over and accompanied him as if he had not thought about it, ignored his existence, and even forgot to look after him. It is no longer a top priority over other priorities. It's so easy to forget, even if you remember or think about it sometimes it's just his words. Forgetting the suffering and hope that is felt when pain attacks and overtakes every human being.

Is it the basic human nature that it is so easy to forget what he hopes for when it is granted? Forgetting what turned out to be so great the meaning of health. Is it a reason to easily forget or be forgotten? So often and negligently that they take problems lightly when sick when health accompanies. But when the pain hit.

For some reason, humans are often unconscious and need to be awakened so that they are based on a major problem, even though in reality it is for themselves. Once again even though it's all for yourself. Forget about the purpose of life and life. Pursuing something that is so obvious, forgetting something that is mandatory and becomes a basic right of self to be done and should be done.

Main in everything is health. Is it not without human health can not do what is usually done. Even if it's a very easy thing. So great is the meaning of the word healthy for life. And all realize it but it's so easy to heed it. Indeed, effort and hard work are needed in life. But in the sense of not forgetting the meaning of the word health. Maintain work patterns, diet, activity patterns, and do not tend to overdo it.

No one blames things for the word trying or working. No one is to blame for continuing to act. But still have to remember the time and the value of the word health. It is not a problem to pursue the word dream or dream. It is not a problem to try to go beyond the limits of oneself, but one must be aware of the condition of oneself and also of circumstances for the sake of health.

Overdoing it or forgetting the level of what health means and the meaning of health is very bad if it continues to be done. And will only produce a word of regret. Trying according to level and accepting everything that happens is a reminder to always feel that limits are always there and know the benefits of being grateful for the life you live. Health and illness will always exist but keeping in mind the conditions when illness strikes should be a limit to how expensive it is and the importance of maintaining healthy conditions.

How important health is for all mankind. That's how precious healthy words are. Let's take care of our personal health above other top priorities for ourselves and our loved ones. Keep safe, Be safe and always be grateful for all that we have felt when healthy is given. Remember that health is the main thing as a guide to life above all else.

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3 years ago
