The Figure of the Inspiration

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3 years ago

It's lonely I Come here quickly my friend! A short message that is currently on my WhatsApp. The name of the sender is Laya, the person who usually inspires me to make a story all this time? Yes, a young woman who I call Princess Athena for my little story.

Laya is currently alone in the canteen. Maybe she's other friends were eating outside the office where we worked so she was alone there. Not a day seems to be without rain lately. Time of night, dawn, morning, afternoon, or evening. And this afternoon a little different the sky was so bright. Thursday is bright with the hot sun.

"Continue?" I replied later.

"I have to the canteen so ?."

Yups, come here? "she replied.

"What lonely miss. Hahaha! Yes, I'll be right there to remove your longing," I teased.

"Yes, that's right. I always have a longing for people like you. Missing waiting to be paid for lunch like I already have." hahaha, she replied later.


Replying to each other in the chat that occurs on mobile phones flowing. I'm sure, you smile with a smile while writing. So do I. As you are in front of me, and I am in front of you. In a canteen, which I don't need a name for now.

We talked casually to each other, even though it didn't seem romantic. Because what is being discussed is only the round of work. Even though I already realized that Laya sulked easily, as long as I didn't annoy her. With rags and teasing my jokes. All I know is, every time Laya called me first, it means she is really lonely. And, there is a longing for sure. Even though Laya didn't admit it.

Indeed, there are many things that differentiate women from men. Most guys, quickly and courageously express their feelings, and it can happen with many different women. As for women, they prefer to be kept, locked even with an inflamed heart. If only the men were careful, they would know even if they only read the faces of the women who were scribing longing.

"So things like that shouldn't have to be asked again right," she said first.

The name Laya actually likes to be a regular resident in my stories. I often bring her to every situation in the story. Where I stopped, I called she's figure. Without the need to think about or have a variety of dialogues. And when I wanted to get rid of she's character, somehow she knew and got angry, and begged.

"Please don't lose it! But, if you still want to do it too, it's better if you just make her die from a bridge or jump from the twenty-first floor of a building.

And finally, I decided not to lose it again. So that makes me have to find another character that I will sacrifice. Do you know why I like this figure Laya? Maybe because this figure is in accordance with a character who always participates in my stories, she is a very cheerful person. She proposed, to keep it up. And she will always be your friend, or she can be a rival for the attention of others in the story. So, this time I even presented another female character. A young female executive whose lover died because of a chronic illness.

"Is she easy to find again, or is it still difficult to forget the true lover," I thought.

But on the other hand, Laya protested.

"Why are there additional characters? Maybe you deliberately made this character, to be the best way to eliminate Laya's character," she said quickly. Sulk like a child With a flushed face.

"Why is it still so protested!"

"Yes, that's right. You are .... That's just let the story be exciting ...." with a smile. while explaining.

The complete Rani character, Rani Puji Astuti, has indeed appeared at the canteen. Where at that time, we was with the character Rina, a triumphant young woman spending her time in a cafe.

And the story continues to flow .....

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3 years ago
