The Family

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Diary, Story, Family

What does family mean to us? Of course, there will be very different answers that will come out of each individual who will be questioned about the problem of the meaning of the meaning of family for everyone. There will be many meanings created, of course. Because so much the meaning and role of the family in the life of every human being.

Family for me is the most valuable treasure and a place for me to complain about all the complaints and share all the feelings of happiness that I have felt during my life in the world.

Without family, of course it will feel empty, without family, of course, it will be different to what I have felt in living my life as long as I have lived in the world.

The closest family that I have known as long as I have lived in the world. All problems or happiness, of course, the family will know best about who I am and my true intentions. Family has always been a part of the life I have lived.

Until the world gives a special day to remember it as family day. May 15 is indeed the day set to become international family day. Indeed, there are still a few days, actually if this is discussed for now it doesn't feel right, but for some reason today I would like to write about the meaning of family. Maybe because of the feelings that are being raised while I'm writing this.

How much family means to me. Especially my little family. Previously the four of me were watching a comedy-themed film, we laughed together and enjoyed the storyline of the film we were watching. I saw my three children laugh out loud seeing the cuteness of the song that happened in the film. Seeing this condition, how happy I was to see them happy.

Yes, my little family is so very meaningful. I thought and remembered what time we had been through together all this time. Both joy and sorrow, and their contribution to my life. Even though they are still children, they play a lot of roles in helping me live this life. Maybe they don't think about it or they don't think about it. But for me with their contribution how much I was helped by their presence and their prayers.

How comfortable it was when I was with them. How can I understand life. How it has made me stronger through life. How giving spirit without stopping every time. A family that is so meaningful and continues tirelessly does not want to be left behind. The happiness and sadness that we have been through is like a destiny that makes us even more grateful for the blessings of life that God has given us.

Never saw my shortcomings, weaknesses, or badness they were always by my side. And I can't help but remember my parents. About their struggle for me to provide education and endless love. Providing motivation in my life as a parent. All sources come from families. The family is always ready to lighten the burden of life and give happiness when it comes.

All inspiration and everything starts from the family. Patience, anger and others will still return to the family. Indeed, it can be interpreted that the family is the smallest unit in a community group. Where can make every individual be meaningful in this world is because of family support. Because for humans, important values ​​are the main support. The role of family support will certainly provide peace and a sense of security. With a sense of love and affection so that it provides tangible value created by and from the family, of course. And one thing is certain that the family certainly gives us one important thing in the world, namely self-identity.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Diary, Story, Family


Truly a family is a gift because it was given to us by God... Sadly I can't find them in my side. Fortunately I found the love and sense of belongingingness from my husbands'. ❣️

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