It doesn't feel like the Covid-19 outbreak has plagued one year, and one of the factors affected is the problem of education and can be said to be in a crisis situation. Changes in learning from face-to-face change to an online system that is not fully maximized. Especially for an area that can be said to be developing, of course, it will be different from the condition of an urban area that has good infrastructure. Where the implementation of online learning is still limited to an alternative policy, to say that it is a solution to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. Unfortunately, in the process, there are many obstacles, such as uneven internet access, limited data packages, inadequate equipment, teachers and students who are new to the world in using technology.
Indeed, all evaluations and improvements are carried out by every government in order to achieve good and ideal learning for the next generation of the nation. But unfortunately the process of interaction and communication that occurs between teachers and students in virtual spaces is still less effective and persuasive. Because the boundaries between elementary level students and students, of course, are very different in understanding this kind of learning process. So that from this learning model the results and levels of learning need to be questioned.
The problems faced in online learning during this pandemic indicate that there are still many regions that are not quite ready to respond to changing times. Meanwhile, this condition continues to demand that we must be able and quickly adapt to a world that is completely digital-virtual. If it is still like this, of course it will become a separate burden that has a far impact on each regional center that carries it. However, a country must be able and able to adapt to the times.
Everyone must agree that education is a major milestone in building civilization and the progress of a nation. Therefore, it can be seen that the progress of a nation is determined by the quality of its generation, and the quality of the nation's generation is created from the quality of its education. Education plays an important role as a vehicle for making individuals as well as improving the quality of human resources for the nation's future generations. So the question arises, how far is the role of education in producing a quality generation? Meanwhile, with the changes in the system during this pandemic, is education running according to its essence?
We can see, during this one year education has not yet touched its essential point. Namely the dialectic between theory and practice, the implementation of material and knowledge taught at school in the social life of the community. Perhaps there is no need to talk too far about it, because of the fact that students still have difficulty understanding the subject matter.
Other problems also arise such as indecision in determining learning methods and systems is also an obstacle faced by teachers. So in the end, when online learning activities choose to use easy-to-use media, such as WhatsApp or Google Classroom, even though they are less effective. Not to mention the problem of teachers who are reluctant to bother, so that they impose tasks on their students. Because most teachers only provide questions but do not use technology properly in online learning methods during the pandemic.
Trapped in the system so that the practice is still trapped in formality. Limitations and difficulties in interacting through virtual classes make teachers and students seem limited to aborting responsibility. The teacher's job is to deliver material and give assignments, while students attend class and collect assignments. But don't think more about exploring the material and measuring the quality of students, do they really understand it well, then implement it in the life process. If that's just the case, wouldn't this actually diminish the value of education?
The social restriction policies implemented during the pandemic resulted in students losing their normal activities and playing time with their peers. This situation has an impact on the psychological condition of the children. It can be said that during a pandemic, children tend to feel anxious, anxious, easily offended, and feel excessive fear when not connected to a group of friends.
In addition, the children mostly stay at home spending their time in front of the devices playing the internet, social media and online games. They are under technological control and find it difficult to escape their dependency on the internet. The worst impact is that children will lose awareness and sensitivity to their social and environmental realities, making it difficult to gain knowledge and experience in real life.
The children who are currently preoccupied with gadgets and the internet are the nation's future candidates for whom we always look forward to their role in bringing about change. But after looking at the factors that occur during this pandemic , can a nation print a golden generation according to the government's target? Or will the narrative become a myth and a utopia?
So far, no one has been able to predict too far if the Covid-19 pandemic will threaten the fate of nations in the world. Learning online as a preventive measure in preventing transmission of the virus, accidentally diminishes the values and main goals of education. The study from home policy is also a threat to children, because it makes them more immersed in activities on the internet, which has the potential to make them lose their social interactions and awareness of reality. Whereas the progress of a nation is determined by the quality of the human resources of the younger generation.
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