The dream of a street child

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3 years ago

The new school year is about to start. In every area now all students have made preparations to go back to school, but that did not happen with me with a step that seemed unable to step up looking for a little hope of courage to continue the steps to be able to go to school again. School? when I wondered whether it was possible for a dirty child like me can go to school like the other children. Playing with friends to carve out beautiful memories when he was in school to pursue his dreams.

Sometimes I ask if an angel will help me to pursue my dream. At least to meet my needs through the world of education. I can only see from a distance at the elementary school which is crowded with students and parents accompanying their children.

It's useless I see it can only make me cry, and how many tears I still won't change. I better move away from all that I see right now, so that this desire does not make me sad again.

By walking enjoying the morning air accompanied by the sound of the usual vehicle noise. Normal activity in a capital city filled with the hustle and bustle of a city. A city that is very densely populated but is the dream of everyone who comes to try their luck, and makes the original people forgotten or even marginalized. There are so many dream-pursuers in the center of this capital, all who come to this dream city may be successful and some may not. In the end, the increase in beggars, buskers, homeless people, and crime has increased, roaring unstoppable. Like running water so figuratively.

I silently looked at the crowd. So crowded? And I hate crowds because in crowds I will feel isolated. It was as if everyone who saw and stared at me was mocking me walking alone without a father or mother. Even though I can scream as loud as I can, in reality, I am alone I'm tired of working even though it's all for the sake of propping my empty stomach. But I have to do this for a bite of rice I have to busk from one bus to another. Armed with a small envelope I made to wish compassion from others. Walking towards the passengers one by one by holding up the envelope to be given coins. It's too sad, to tell the truth. Even though I think I can hope for a little kindness from others, singing contributes to the voice of sharing the sadness that has accumulated. At least I hope that someone will find out about my anxiety. And make a little of this taste relieved.

When the night came, I slept on the back of a cardboard box and partially covered my body to reduce the chill of the night breeze. I think it's so strange, if the night is cold, while the day is hot. If only there was a glimmer of hope that had come to take me away to fulfill my dreams. A light that I so desperately wanted to feel alive, and could change me in the future. I was lulled in a dream when my sleep had entered my body.

There is nothing special in my life. The daily routine that I have done and keeps repeating so every day. Boring indeed and makes me feel down with this situation.

Even though crying filled with a million tears and all over the body Shackles, still can't change it.

Shouting but still, this scream is only capable of me who can hear. Without anyone can reach out to give strength in the soul. This suffering is too old and felt into every sigh. This soul was felt to have been crushed to death and could only make a tightness in the chest. Today I am downstairs and tomorrow I will remain down below. Sometimes I want to be on top to feel another human figure showing my happy face with destiny that blends together. Unfortunately, all of that is just a dream that I must immediately get rid of in my thinking.

I feel tired when I have to think about it. And as time passed I took another place so that the silence and emptiness that haunted me could disappear. My thoughts are so far away. Like a human being the most persecuted in the world. Even though I should always be patient so that in the future everything I hope will be achieved.

When I cry let me cry, because I want it. And when I laugh let me laugh because I want it too. I thank you for my little hope that everything can come true as I have always dreamed of in my life.

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Written by
3 years ago


Each of us has our own pathways in life. It could be good or bad but our experiences mold us to become firm . I just want you to know that even if it's not yet your perfect time ,learn to discover more on your downfalls because it will teach you a big lesson and that lesson can be your source of strength. You can do it. Believe yourself and be optimistic. Have a great Thursday. It's nice reading itπŸ˜‰

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Best written article Helped me a lot understanding few new things

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3 years ago