The Cultural Diversity

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3 years ago

Light is the same as being carried, the weight is the same as being carried.

A motto that was often heard and said when I was in elementary school. Where in Indonesia is very thick with the culture of mutual cooperation and hospitality. Whereas Indonesia was previously known by this motto, so that it became the basic value of mutual assistance between Indonesian residents and an attraction for foreigners to visit Indonesia.

A motto that represents togetherness when it is good or when it is difficult. Remind each other and help each other between each individual human being. If it is narrowed down to the household structure, it can also be appreciated in an act of mutual assistance between the residents of the house in carrying out the obligations they do.

In practice, like cleaning the house, all family members work to clean the house. And actually it is very good and has many benefits to build individual children to be responsible and able to work together among household members.

Likewise, in the environment, every citizen sends representatives from each family to participate in community service together cleaning the environment every week. Or patrol, guard the night for the sake of safety for an environment. When patrolling, the fathers usually gather and walk around while hitting bamboo, indicating that the people in the house are guarding them that night. The plus value of the existence of this habit makes the people around the environment more familiar and familiar with each other. Increasing the value of togetherness among residents to better know the condition of the residents around them.

Unfortunately, over time this practice is eroded by the current and progress of the times, where there is no longer a sense of togetherness. It is very difficult to find an environment in an area that is still living this tradition. Hospitality is also being felt less and less in today's conditions. Like the loss of caring, even though we don't know each other. The nature of Indonesian citizens who were formerly known for their mutual cooperation is slowly starting to erode. Where in our security and cleanliness system on average we have focused on one agency that handles it.

So that the practice of community service or night patrols is now slowly disappearing in the culture of Indonesian society.

Especially for urban areas, we will not be able to see residents doing community service or patrolling nowadays. Not to mention that if you look at the conditions in the world that have been exposed to the corona virus for a long time, this condition has increasingly broken the habits of humans who usually socialize in real life.

Adding to the habit pattern of difficulty communicating, conditions in just one house see the current condition that everyone communicating between telephones is no longer face to face. Yes, sometimes the progress of the times has a positive side and a negative side. It all depends on us to face and accept it.

Back to the discussion of mutual cooperation earlier. It is a hope that in the future the people of Indonesia in particular can respond to all the progress of the times with full policies so that the good cultural culture from the legacy of their parents can be maintained and packaged according to progress so that they are not forgotten. It is not easy to be able to preserve it, but hopefully the future generations of the nation can find out about their own cultural diversity.

And this can still be an attraction for foreigners to visit and see the cultural diversity of the Indonesian nation as a whole as before.

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Written by
3 years ago


Original culture in every place starts to vanish because of modernization. Though this brings progress but forgetting your culture is saddening.😔

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3 years ago