The culprit

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1 year ago
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Who is the culprit of the fundamental damage to the global economy? Basically, there are 3 clear parts that will make the global economy even worse in 2023. The first is Ukraine, the second is the United States and the third is European countries or countries from other continents that support Ukraine.

It's one sided like defending Russia and blaming America and its allies at will, but the context is very clear after what has been attempted and put forward in the conditions of the United Nations, the United Nations and Europe consider them to be fighting for and defending on the basis of rejection of colonialism. Though they forget who used to colonize and why they can and often turn the facts back and forth.

It feels like the world is clearly divided into several continents in groups of nations and states. There are the continents of Asia, Europe, America and Oceania. Especially on the European continent and a country on one of the American continents, namely the United States, they feel that they are an oppressed nation, not an oppressor, and strangely enough, even though it is clear that they were the ones who carried out various kinds of deception and damage resulting from war during this period of world history.

Even if history is drawn from Asian sides such as the Mongols, Chinese, Japanese or Middle Eastern nations with their Islamic empires, it is clear that the fundamental basis is their fear of past tragedies they don't want to repeat and now they are trying to dominate. But unfortunately, no matter how smart they are at hiding the carcass, they must smell too, that's the behavior and behavior of the three destroyers of the current global condition.

War and colonialism underlies and is used as an excuse to justify the meaning of power, which is still wrong. What is certain is that the policy that exists as a basic point value should be absolute peace without defending one or the other. If they really want to be said to be fair then they should not support the Ukrainian side and may also criticize the Russian side. So that what should be presented is to create peace without having to justify a conflict that can harm many people.

The United States and its allies such as NATO and developed nations that defend it can be said that they are not countries that are just, democratic, advanced or actually fight for world justice. What they have is they are only concerned with their own affairs. And even if they are said to have shame they should be ashamed of ganging up on a country like Russia but apparently could not beat that one country.

So it is clear that the culprit for the destruction of the global economy by the actions of the United States and its allies. And unfortunately, those who defend and sympathize with countries that can be called countries that destroy the condition of the world are actually often used as role models or defended. What is clear is that they too often take care of other people's kitchens.


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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Story, Thoughts, Money, ...


And if we generalize more, the culprit of everything is the human being.

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1 year ago