The busker

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3 years ago

A busker is singing a song that tells about the importance of sharing. And on this day also Laras, as usual, gave change to the busker. After singing, the busker sat in front of the Laras stall to count the money he had earned. After watching him for a long time from behind the window, Laras saw that this busker was quite different from the other buskers he usually saw or met. Where the buskers look dirty, and sometimes creepy. But for this one street singer, this one is quite neat and clean and the sound is pretty good, unlike the usual buskers.

The busker got up from his seat, suddenly Laras pretended he was reading a comic book in his hand. The busker returned to the shop then took a bottle of drink from the showcase while handing him money. Barrel took the money and put it in the money holder. "Why do you keep looking at me earlier?" asked the busker. Hearing that Laras was quite shocked but Laras managed to pretend not to be surprised "It's okay." Laras answered. "Isn't it disgusted to see a busker like me? I promise tomorrow I won't count my money there, ”said the busker in a polite and very smooth tone. "Eh, you can. Instead of being disgusted, it's just me ... uh I just want to look at you. "I replied with great embarrassment.

The busker was immediately confused to see Laras Talking like that. But the busker continued to drink the drink he was holding, ignoring Laras.

"But how come you are different from other buskers, hehe sorry, dirty and look messy?" asked Laras out of curiosity.

"I'm singing, not for me. But for extraordinary kids, ”the busker replied, smiling.

"You mean extraordinary children?" asked Laras, increasingly curious.

“The disabled orphanage children. Their orphanage ran out of money to support the children. That's why I and other friends are trying to raise our own money for the children. "Answer the busker. "Where do you usually get money from?" asked Laras again. "From my parents. I'm still in school, this is my Student Identity Card (while handing me the Student Identity Card). For now, I just can only make money through singing like this, but when my school is done, I want to try to be successful ”. Answer the busker. Suddenly everything becomes silent. Of course, because the busker is embarrassed to tell his life to people he doesn't know...

"Ohh Andi's name? Bina Bangsa School, right? I went to school there too. But why do I rarely see you huh? what class are you in? "Laras asked continuously while returning the busker Student Identity Card.

The busker just kept quiet because he was embarrassed. "I am Laras, a child of the Bina Bangsa School. Class XI 2. Greeting you, Andi? "Laras tried to create a warm atmosphere. "Yes, nice to meet Laras too. I'm class XI 11 Laras. "Andi replied shyly. Then the busker who turned out to be a school friend said goodbye to continue making money.

The next day, out of curiosity, Laras came to class XI 11 to see Andi, while meeting Rina, Laras' friend. It turned out that Andi was in that class, very neat, different when he was singing. Seeing Laras, Andi who was reading the thick book smiled and nodded his head to Laras. Laras who was still dumbfounded when he saw Andi immediately smiled Andi. Of course, Laras asked Rina about Andi. It turns out that Andi is one of the influential children at Lara's school.

When Laras came home from school, she measured Andi's words about the disabled children. When she was imagining what it was like, she heard the distinctive sound of Andi's guitar playing. Andi just smiled while playing his guitar. "Well, you weren't picked up?" asked Laras. I rarely get picked up. Andi replied. Then why are you this way? Are you back with me mode? "Asked Laras, thinking about a serious face. "Sorry, just normal face. I kept walking back. My Home is near to your house. I had seen you coming back, that's why I gave you a look at the Bina Bangsa School card, I am sure you are from here. But I failed to hide from you if I was a school at the Bina Bangsa School. "Andi replied while playing his guitar. "Ohh, how come I don't know?" asked Laras. Andi just shrugged his shoulders, of course, that means he doesn't know.

For a long time they talked about these extraordinary children, it didn't feel like they had arrived at Laras' house. Then they parted ways. After bathing and eating, Laras decided he wanted to see the extraordinary children tomorrow with Andi.

The next day, when Laras came home from school, she waited for Andi at the school gate. After talking for a long time, Andi finally wanted to take Laras to the orphanage. When it arrived, it turned out that there were a lot of disabled children. Many of the administrators also turned out to from street children. They were warmly welcomed by the administrators and the children of the orphanage. Andi immediately chatted with the caretakers, and Laras accompanied the orphans to play.

When Laras looked at the window, many people around the same age as Andi on the porch were counting money. It seems they are also buskers thought Laras. After talking with the board members, Andi then invited the barrel to go home. But when the buskers outside entered, all these extraordinary children immediately welcomed them to play together. One of the buskers, whose leg was disabled, brought the money that was calculated together outside earlier. The busker immediately gave it to the orphanage administrator. Laras who saw the incident could only be stunned. "Why?" asked Andi. "They work all day just for this orphanage?" Laras replied a little doubtful. "Yes. So what? Andi asked in surprise. "They are very generous" Laras replied still in disbelief. "Generous is for anyone. That's why I joined the busking because of them, I want to know the taste, ”Andi replied with a smile. Now Laras understood, then she took out her money from she's wallet and gave it to the orphanage. Even though it was actually her money to buy new clothes, it was clear that according to Laras, these children needed much more than her.

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Written by
3 years ago
