Teaching children to work in teams

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3 years ago

Which parents don't want their children to be successful when they grow up?

I'm sure all parents want a bright future for their children. The proof is that many parents are willing to spend a lot of money to pay for their education so that they have the opportunity to hone their skills. It is not uncommon for parents to provide their children with experiences that require a lot of money.

It is a fact if, teaching your little one various "important lessons in life" as early as possible, will be very beneficial for them in the future.

This is because the earlier children begin to learn various kinds of skills, the easier it will be for them to master them, and the more skilled they will be with them as they get older. One of the most important types of lessons that should be taught early on is collaboration.

They will feel the benefits of working together for life. Because basically, we are social creatures who must be able to communicate and know how to maximize the potential in ourselves and the potential that exists in the environment (people around).

Advantages of Training Children to Work Together from an Early Age

Teaching children how to work together with a team (teamwork) from childhood will play an important role in helping them achieve success or success when they grow up. A number of advantages that will be obtained by children if they are good at working together include:

  • Children can lead well. A great leader must have: emotional intelligence and be able to provide a clear vision for the team

  • Can get the job done faster. Training children to work together will make them realize that working side by side will make work get done faster than doing it alone

  • The work is hard so it feels easier. As humans, of course, we have many limitations. This will also become known to children as they learn how to work together. By working together, children can solve complex problems that they are unable to solve on their own. Of course, with the help of others

  • Children can recognize their own abilities. The benefit of learning cooperation for the next children is that they will be better able to recognize and explore their potential. So they can see their strengths and weaknesses. By knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each, children can choose the right people to work with, namely people who have advantages that they don't have.

  • Come up with more ideas. The collaboration will not only make work easier to complete and lighter but will also present various perspectives and ideas and feedback that children may not have thought about so far.

  • Adding experience. From collaboration, children can learn new experiences or skills that they see from individuals in the team

  • Cooperation will increase efficiency and productivity. Learning cooperation will make children realize that, through teamwork, they will get increased efficiency and productivity. Because basically, working together allows them to share the workload, reduce pressure on each individual, and will encourage work completion on time

Of course, there are many other benefits that can be obtained by children if they learn teamwork from an early age. And this provision is very important for them to face a future full of competition.

How to Teach Children the Benefits of Cooperation

Here are some ideas for introducing and teaching cooperation to children.

Involve them when cooking or baking

When making cakes, for example, invite the children to help you make the dough, beat eggs, or do other activities according to their abilities.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Explain to them that their help means a lot because it will make the cake-making process easier, faster, and lighter.

Photo by Andrew Seaman on Unsplash

Involve the children when cleaning the house

Anyone with small children at home, their house will rarely look clean and tidy. Instead of being negatively treated, a messy house due to toys that are scattered here, and there can actually be used to teach children about the benefits of cooperation.

Each time you clean the house, ask the children to help complete the work. One way is, by asking them to clean up their own toys.

While asking them to clean up the toys that belong to them, don't forget to also explain to your little one that their help is very meaningful because it can save your energy so that you can use it to do other work that is still waiting, and can help speed up the process of cleaning up the house.

Train children's cooperation by completing a project

You can choose any project that your child likes and according to their abilities. For example, by making toys in the form of cardboard houses.

Divide the task so that the job can be completed. For example, you can make the walls while the children make other parts such as the roof, floor, garden, or fence.

When doing and working on this project, make sure you explain to them:

  • How to divide tasks

  • How to express a vision

  • How to be responsible

  • How do I discuss it, as well?

  • How to choose the right individual to maximize their potential or abilities

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3 years ago


Wow usefull

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3 years ago

Wow ok then.

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