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3 years ago

Actually bitter if he feels good. Nothing feels like this if he just stays and reflects on himself. Through the recesses of the lonely night, there are many strands of silent words that can only moan, then cry, sadly, and finally, a wound like a sword cut. Andri and his soul are fixated in tones that cannot be expressed by words and voices, can only be expressed in verse after verse, with a flowing flow. It long story which in the end only stopped in the struggle for a moment.

Trying to fight destiny is something that a helpless human servant like Andri cannot possibly do, is like turning charcoal into fire, like dust that eventually becomes smoke, by turning the wind into the rain, then trying to turn tears into laughter. These are all the most difficult things and cannot be digested or penetrated by human minds like Andri, trying to fight for life or just to fight for power.

The last day with another day continues to pass in a collection of pearls of the hopeful poets, by chanting blessings to get beauty even for a moment, it still brings bitter and deep sorrow. Trying to change the path into a long road with no direction. Rebellious, I can't! but keep trying! as if in the echo of a string that still hangs on from the past and is still dead. Can only mutter in every spirit song that is unheard of in the ear and try to taste from the hearts of every human who has died. Andri and his journey of life are now starting to run to escape in the dense forest full of blasphemous plants, humiliated grass of grass, dry dry leaves full of abuse and repetition that is undeniably good or bad for the reality of his life.

Andri in himself is increasingly lively with various questions in malice and full of revenge. Trying to change the words sorry can be quite a disaster. Andri is unable to carry all the burdens that have flattened out by themselves, has carried the blood that has taken him to death.

But, now in his consciousness it is beginning to manifest, that Andri understands how in the life he continues to live, he must be sure that there will be a white dove who is kind and full of words, to be able to forgive all, and it will make him beautiful in time.

Andri ran with glory in a life that was in fact full of lies and sorrow, running with the news of destruction that would never actually come. Believing that all can change so beautifully and joyfully, with taste filled with joy, all can come into being either sooner or later, for the world will prove to him that absolute truth remains inevitable.

Just trying to accept and go with the flow that continues to encourage him to keep going even though his heart is still and continues to be filled with doubts, and doubts. The beauty of the world could not stop him from continuing to walk the road. Because he knows that there will still be love and love that he will meet and go through, even though with the heart he continues to ruin time.

Time continues to catch up on his journey where he must keep going and chasing all his sweet dreams. Without having to feel how weak his steps are and feel tired. But when he saw a smile he could get up and try to get back to catching up and continue the journey that felt closer and closer. Even though he can only step on the path that has become the path that has become his way to be followed.

And he had to keep going before his eyes was closed by the darkness of the night to step in a silent voice to the spot of light that had caught his eye so much. So that later he can see how colorful and full of intimacy a love that will never fade for him to feel.

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Written by
3 years ago
