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Written by
2 years ago

Red eyes, lethargic, weak, and helpless. It doesn't mean you're tired, sleep-deprived, or have symptoms of lack of blood. It could be due to taking a long time to see the condition of the chart so far. The only medicine is faith and piety. Be patient. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Maybe the little status I posted on my account status is in noise today after two days of not making a single status there. If I say I am in a confused state about what to write. But in the end, it raises a bit of an idea about the issues that are being awaited during this year for crypto issues.

Indeed, this status is a bit eccentric or joking even though it is from the bottom of my heart. Hahahahaha... Yes, I was expecting a lot of bullish predictions this month. But unfortunately, maybe that will not happen if we look at the conditions and problems that occur in the current world economic conditions. As a significant matter, perhaps the awaited legality issue from the same uncle's country is one of the things that can make this not happen this month. Because it can be said this will happen maybe next year.

Who knows, this is indeed the state of crypto if we have played in it. And this kind of thing has become a normal thing actually because as we all know it is a problem of volatility that has commonly occurred in crypto since crypto was present until now.

Apart from talking about economic conditions and other things, the crypto movement is indeed getting stronger, of course. And all can be seen from the presence of fever that occurred during 2021. What can't be forgotten is that the presence of DeFi, NFT, and Metaverse makes crypto even more feasible to be chosen as one of the preferred investments, especially by millennials today.

Nevertheless, talking about all things crypto is indeed endless. Especially if it is associated with hobbies, preferences, or one of the new things in the banking world today. Systematics that are getting better, the power of fundamentalists that are created, and the existence of a growing community make crypto today a thing that is often discussed by every individual who has heard of it. Apart from understanding, or just passing the news, crypto has attracted the attention of everyone in the world. There is always good and bad, of course, that is something that must be realized from the form of creation or creation by humans. It can't be perfect. But making humans as creatures that continue to move and advance of course according to the needs of the times.

This is only limited to talking to share, filling the void of space and time outside the busy world of problems, and seeing the current state of crypto. "While diving drinking water", that's the saying I can pick up for now. Following and waiting for the right time to join also feel the hypomania that every crypto lover has been waiting for. Bullrun, bullish, or All-Time High. Maybe not much is felt when compared to owners of large capital, moreover, all this is obtained only from earnings by myself, but makes a value of gratitude for the existence of crypto. That his presence provides many great benefits for everyone who jumps in and explores it.


"Sorry if my English is not good because I was not born in an English-speaking country. And sorry if it sucks because it is part of your right, and the form of appreciation of the writing that I made is part of my rights. πŸ€£πŸ™βœŒ"

$ 12.49
$ 12.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @gertu13
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
+ 8
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Avatar for Alther
Written by
2 years ago


Hello @Alther! I agree with your views. Things are complex everywhere right now around the world. I don't mind the English mistakes but you should seek to improve. I spotted this little mistake:

"...from the same uncle's country.." In my opinion, what you were trying to say was: "...from uncle Sam's country..." Haha! I hope you see the mistake.

$ 0.02
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Speaking of crypto; I lost a lot of money with 24 hours on trading futures and haven't been looking at the chart ever since. So sad... Life is really weird.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Don’t say sorry dear. You are good at it. Even my english sucks.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I would have love to share a story but busy. Happy Christmas in advance πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸŽ…πŸŽ…πŸŽ… big bro

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I actually smile at your intro as my brother seems to have those symptoms. It hurts his eyes seeing so much red and the condition of the chart.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The best part about crypto is it's open for everyone, even though the extreme volatility can kick one in the groin. It was a really great year for crypto

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The expansion of the crypto space in 2021 was something else really. While crypto is open to all, it's not for all as the extreme volatility can knock one off the space in 5e twinkle of an eye

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Crypto has attracted the attention of many people over the long run. It is one of the best thing that financial world has ever experienced. Giving space for P2P transaction. Nicely written mate.

$ 0.02
2 years ago